世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/12 10:39
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  • I (just) met/saw a celebrity!

有名人は celebrity です。 厳密に言えば meet と see に違いがありますが、会話ではどちらも使われているようです。 今日あったばかり出来事なら just を入れてもいいです。
  • I saw a famous person.

「I saw a celebrity」とも思ったのですが、既に回答済みなので、別の言い方をご紹介しますね。「有名人」は「famous person」で問題ありませんので、これで通じるはずです。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • I met a TV star!

  • I met a TV personality!

"Star" and "Personality" are two words that can be used to describe a famous person, but there are a few more: TV star, celebrity and superstar. "I met a TV star!" "I met a TV personality!"
"""star"" ""personality"" これら2つの言葉は有名な人を言い表す時に使えます。 さらに他の言い方もあります。 ""TV star"" ""celebrity"" ""superstar"" I met a TV star! I met a TV personality! テレビに出ている有名人に会った!"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I met a household name

  • 2. I met a TV celebrity

  • 3. I met a television personality

1. Household name - a person or thing that is well known by the public. "He hasn't got the talent to become a household name, unlike his famous younger brother." 2. TV celebrity - someone who appears on TV often. 3"Eamon Holmes is a famous UK TV personality." "I am so tired of seeing the same faces on television! These days it's the same old television personalities being recycled every day."
1. Household name -一般的に良く知られている人や名前のこと He hasn't got the talent to become a household name, unlike his famous younger brother." 彼の有名な弟とは違って、彼は有名人になる器じゃない。 2. TV celebrity -TVによくでてくる有名人 "Eamon Holmes is a famous UK TV personality." Eamon HomesはUKの人気TVパーソナリティだ。 例:"I am so tired of seeing the same faces on television! These days it's the same old television personalities being recycled every day." テレビで同じ顔ばっかでてきてうんざりだよ。最近はいっつも同じおっさん司会者が一日中かわるがわるテレビにでてくるんだもん。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) I just met someone famous

  • B) I met a star!

A) I just met someone famous *Famous -known about by many people. Example -"a famous star" B) I met a star! *Star -a very famous or talented entertainer or sports player. Example-"a sport star" I hope this helps :-)
A) I just met someone famous有名人にたった今会いました *Famous -有名 例 -"a famous star"有名人 B) I met a star! 有名人に会った! *Star -スポーツ選手や芸能人. 例-"a sport star"有名スポーツ選手 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I bumped into a TV star

  • I met a famous person

When you meet a famous person, you can say: -I bumped into a TV star recently. They are on my favorite TV show. -I met a famous person at the mall yesterday. I took a picture with them. The word "meet" usually implies some level of interaction, while the term "bump into" implies that you saw and met someone you were not expecting to meet.
有名人似合った場合以下のように言えます。 -I bumped into a TV star recently. They are on my favorite TV show. テレビスターに最近偶然会いました。彼らは私の好きなテレビ番組に出ています。 -I met a famous person at the mall yesterday. I took a picture with them. 昨日モールで有名人に会いました。一緒に写真を撮りました。 "meet" (会う)という単語は幅広い「会う」と意味がありますが"bump into"(出くわす)は予想外に誰かに会うことを意味します。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I met a famous TV personality at the cinema this morning.

  • I met a TV celebrity on the street yesterday in the afternoon.

  • I met a famous TV star at the restaurant last night

Some TV personalities may not be famous while others may be famous. A TV personality may be famous for something which he/she does that interests most people. So, because a TV personality is talked about by most people, he/she is famous. Such a person can be called a celebrity or a famous TV star. So, you may tell your friend the following: I met a famous TV personality at the cinema this morning. or I met a TV celebrity on the street yesterday in the afternoon. or I met a famous TV star at the restaurant last night
テレビに出る人が有名であったり、そうでなかったりするかもしれません。テレビに出る人が有名になるのは、人に興味を持たせることができるからです。そのような有名人を、a celebrity や a famous TV starと言います。  I met a famous TV personality at the cinema this morning. 今朝、映画館で有名人に会った。   I met a TV celebrity on the street yesterday in the afternoon.  昨日の午後、道で有名人を見た。 I met a famous TV star at the restaurant last night 昨日の夜、レストランで有名人を見た。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I met a celebrity.

「私は有名人に会った」はI met a celebrity.と言いますm(__)m celebrityは「有名人」という意味で、famous personに言い換えもできます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I saw/met a celebrity!

  • I just ran into a celebrity!

We can either use the verbs, "to see," or, "to meet," to express that we just saw this person walking on the street or maybe we actually met them and had a small conversation. We can also use, "to run into," meaning that it was unplanned but we happened to see them unexpectedly.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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