I got a massage, but it was a bit too much and now my neck muscles hurt.
I got a massage, but it was a bit too much and now my neck muscles are sore.
I got a massage, but it was a bit too much and now my neck muscles hurt.
I got a massage, but it was a bit too much and now my neck muscles are sore.
・「揉み返しが起きた」は決まり文句の英訳がないので、"(the massage) was a bit too much"と意訳しました。"too rough"または"too long"も言えますが、"too much"は曖昧なので様々な場合に使えます。
・「首が痛い」を意訳して"my neck muscles are sore"・"my neck muscles hurt"にしたのは、"muscles"なしで"my neck hurts"と言えば、首が痛い原因は脊髄や背骨の損傷であると思われてしまいます。