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2016/06/13 15:28
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  • Time passes much faster when I am having fun.

楽しく過ごしているときは[時が過ぎるのって早いよね。]( 語尾に compared to when I am at work. と置くだけで、 「[仕事](している時と比べて」 という意味を付け加える事ができます。 他には、Time flies when you're having fun という表現もよく使われます。 「楽しい時は飛ぶように時間が過ぎる」ニュアンスです。
  • Time flies when we are having a good time.

楽しく過ごしているときって本当に[時間があっという間に過ぎるよね]( は Time flies when we are having a good time. と言います。 Time flies は直訳すると 「時間は飛ぶ」 ということで、月日が過ぎるのが速いことを表すのに使われますが、このような場合でも大丈夫です。 楽しく過ごしている時は When we are having a good time としました。 仕事をしてるときは1日が永遠に感じるのに、友達と楽しんでるときは一瞬 は When you are working, you feel as if a single day lasted forever, but time flies when you are having a good time. などといいます。 as if ~あたかも~ (if 以下の文は、仮定法を使い、この場合は過去形にするのが正式です) a single day (a day の強調・ほんの一日) last forever (永遠に続く 仮定法で過去形(lasted)になっていますが、現在のことです)
  • Time really flies when you're having fun.

  • Time flies when you're having fun.

mmtsさん、こんばんは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 Time really flies when you're having fun.→楽しい時間は本当にあっという間だね。 Time flies when you're having fun.→楽しい時間はあっという間だね。 ★ Time flies. 「Time flies.」というのは実は「ことわざ」です。「光陰矢のごとし」に対応する物、と紹介されることも多いですね。この「fly」は「(時間が)飛ぶように過ぎる」(スーパー・アンカー英和辞典)という意味です。 ★ have fun 「have fun」は「楽しむ」という意味です。「when you're having fun」で「楽しんでいるときには」、→「楽しんでいるときには時間は飛ぶように過ぎていく」となります。 〈例〉 I can't believe it has already been a year, time really flies when you're having fun!!→もう1年がたつなんて信じられない。楽しい時間は本当にあっという間。 (International Business Times-Mar 23, 2012) ★ 例文 例文について少しご説明しますね。mmtsさんは、アメリカ人歌手のヒラリー・ダフさんをご存じでしょうか。2010年8月14日にアイスホッケー選手のマイク・コムリーさんと結婚し、2011年8月14日に第1子の妊娠を公式サイトで発表しました。例文はその発表の一部です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • 1. Time flies when you're having fun.

  • 2. That was fun! Where did the time go?

1. This is an old idiomatic phrase. "Time flies when you're having fun, or I guess it's ten years since I last saw you - how time flies!" 2. Where did the time go? = the time went really quickly!
1. これは古い慣用句です。 "Time flies when you're having fun, or I guess it's ten years since I last saw you - how time flies!" 楽しい時間は過ぎるのが早い、または最後にあったの10年前かな、光陰矢の如しね。 2.Where did the time go? =時間が本当に早くすぎたね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies when you are having fun.

  • Wow, I had so much fun and the time went by so fast.

"Time flies when you are having fun. "- This is a very common idiom that is used in English. We use this phrase in times where the time seems to speed past because we are being well entertained. "Wow, I had so much fun and the time went by so fast. "- This is just a casual statement about the time going by very fast. The word "wow" is just an interjection and it just means that you are amazed. You could use either this sentence or the one above. They should both suffice wonderfully.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • time flies when your having fun

  • when time passes quickly when you are entertained

example "time flies when your having fun". or "doesn't the time fly!" when talking about this to someone
例文 "time flies when your having fun". 楽しいと時間があっという間に過ぎる "Doesn't the time fly!" 時間が早く過ぎない? 人と話す時に使います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Time really does go fast when I am having fun

  • Time has gone really fast since we last met

It can be used as a greeting similar to 久しぶりです。So like a long time, no see or time has gone by fast since we last met a while ago. Can also be used as a way of expression that you're enjoying what you are doing.
「久しぶりです」と同じ様なあいさつとして使うことが出来ます。ですから長い時間会ってなく、少し前に会ってから時間が本当に早く過ぎたということです。 していることを楽しんでいると表現するのにも使えます。
Katie D DMM英会話講師
  • The time flies by when you are having fun

When we are having fun, we don't realise that the time is passing by us quickly. The problem is if we are not having fun it feels like the time is passing so slowly. When we say the time "flies" we are comparing it to something that flies. That is to say it goes very fast
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Time seems to fly when having a good time.

*Time seems to fly when having a good time.-The expression "Time flies" is an idiom that means time passes so quickly. A: Can you believe it, it's midnight already! B: Time flies when having fun.
*Time seems to fly when having a good time.という例文について "Time flies"という表現は、時間があっという間に過ぎるという意味のイディオムです。 A: Can you believe it, it's midnight already! 「信じられる?もう深夜12時なんだね。」 B: Time flies when having fun. 「楽しいときはあっという間だね。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • When I have fun, time flies!

It is common when people have fun and they are enjoying themselves that the time will pass by quickly. This could be due to the fact that they loose track of time, because they are having such a good time.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies when you are having fun.

  • Time goes by so quick when you are having fun!

If you would like to express that time goes by really fast when you are having a good time, a good expression to express this is "Time flies when you are having fun.". This is a very widely known expression and is commonly used among all different age groups to express how fun something was or how fast time passes by when enjoying one's self doing something.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Time really flies when you're having fun.

  • Is it that time already? Wow, time sure flies when you're having fun.

It almost always seems that time goes by too quickly when you are having a great time... Hence the phrase : 'Is it that time already? Wow, time sure flies when you're having fun.'
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies when you're having fun.

  • Time goes by really quickly when you're having fun.

Time flies when you're having fun. Time goes by really quickly when you're having fun. Time flies は定番で、「時が経つのははやい」の意味になります。 go by quickly も同じような意味です。
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