世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 19:15
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  • You’re really good at using chopsticks!

  • Your chopsticks skills are really good!

注意:外国人はよくアジア系の料理を食べるのでお箸に慣れている外国人が多いです。ですからこう言われると馬鹿にされていると思う外国人が多いです。僕も前にこう言われたら少しイライラして丁寧に返しながら「当然じゃん。」と思っていました。 この言い方の代わりに How long have you been able to use chopsticks? どれぐらい前からお箸を使えますか? Have you used chopsticks for a long time? ずっと前からお箸を使えていますか? さて、本題になります。 簡単な言い方は You’re really good at using chopsticks! お箸使うの= using chopsticks すごく = really 上手=good at 後者のフレーズは少しかっこいい言い方で、ネイティブがよく使います。 Your =あなたの chopstick =お箸 skills = スキル are good = うまい really =とても・すごく この場合は、お箸は形容詞になる(なんのスキル?お箸のスキル)ので単数になります。 この言い方をいろんな場面で使えます。 Your cooking skills are really good. Your communication skills are really good. などなど
  • You're good at using chopsticks.

You're good at using chopsticks. お箸使うの上手ですね。 You're good at 〜 〜が上手ですね 外国人の人に対して It's like you're Japanese! 日本人みたい! も一緒に言ってもいいかもですね。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Wow! You're great at using chopsticks!

  • Where did you learn how to use chopsticks like that?

  • I'm impressed with how well you use chopsticks!

Wow! You're great at using chopsticks! This expression is an informal way to compliment the person on their use of chopsticks. You: "Wow! You're great at using chopsticks!" Person: "Thanks!" Where did you learn how to use chopsticks like that? This expression may seem like a question, however, it is more of a compliment. It implies that they learned how to how to use chopsticks very well while asking them how they learned how to use chopsticks so well. This is an informal expression. You: "Where did you learn how to use chopsticks like that?" Person: "Oh heh thanks. My Japanese friend taught me in University." I'm impressed with how well you use chopsticks! This expression is more formal and neutral than the last two expressions. You might use this expression at a business lunch with foreign coworkers. You can also add something to the expression such as "I haven't ever seen a westerner use chopsticks as well as you!" You: "I'm impressed with how well you use chopsticks!" Person: "Thanks! When I learned I was coming to Japan, I practiced a lot." You: "I haven't ever seen a westerner use chopsticks as well as you!"
Wow! You're great at using chopsticks! これは、橋の使い方を褒める、カジュアルな言い方です。 例 You: "Wow! You're great at using chopsticks!" 箸を上手く使えますね。 Person: "Thanks!” ありがとうございます。 Where did you learn how to use chopsticks like that? これは、質問のようにとらえられますが、むしろ誉め言葉に近いものです。 どうやってそんなに箸捌きがうまくなったのか、と一緒にそのうまさを褒める良いかですね。 これもカジュアルな言い方になります。 例 You: "Where did you learn how to use chopsticks like that?" はしの使い方をどこで習ったのですか? Person: "Oh heh thanks. My Japanese friend taught me in University." ありがとうございます。日本人の友達がアメリカで教えてくれました。 I'm impressed with how well you use chopsticks! これは、よりフォーマルでニュートラルな言い方です。 こういった表現は、外国人の方とビジネスでの食事中などに使うことができるでしょう。 "I haven't ever seen a westerner use chopsticks as well as you!" こういう表現も一緒に使うといいでしょうね。 例 You: "I'm impressed with how well you use chopsticks!" はしが上手く使えていてびっくりしました。 Person: "Thanks! When I learned I was coming to Japan, I practiced a lot." ありがとうございます。 日本にいたときたくさん練習しました。 You: "I haven't ever seen a westerner use chopsticks as well as you!" 西洋人であなたくらいうまく箸が使える人を見たことがありません。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • You are really good at using chopsticks.

  • You really know how to use chopsticks.

  • I am impressed with how you are able to use chopsticks.

Any of these 3 suggestions will compliment someone sufficiently for being good at using chopsticks.
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • You're really proficient with chopsticks!

  • I think you've done that before!

To be really proficient at something means that you can do something very well. "Mark is a very proficient snooker player and he is in the final of the tournament." "I think you've done that before!" We say this when it seems someone is extremely good at one particular skill. It is an observation. "See how mark is ice skating!" "Yes, I think he's done that before."
To be really proficient at somethingとは、何かをこなすのがすごく上手い人のことを言います。 例 "Mark is a very proficient snooker player and he is in the final of the tournament." "I think you've done that before!" この表現は、あるスキルを非常にうまく行う人がいたときに言うことができますね。 "See how mark is ice skating!" "Yes, I think he's done that before."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow you are good at this.

  • You are like a pro in this.

Pro is short for professional. You are saying that you are really good at using chopsticks.
Pro は、Professionalの短い表現です。 you are really good at using chopsticks. →箸を使うのがとても上手ですね。 ということですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You're very good at using chopsticks

  • Your chopsticks skills amaze me!

  • You're very skilled at eating with chopsticks

Often to complement you can use "I am amazed by your chopstick skills" " You're very skilled at eating with chopsticks" so like using amazed as a way of being surprised or skilled as a another way of saying 'very good'
次のように誉め言葉を述べることができます。 "I am amazed by your chopstick skills" (あなたの箸使いに感心しています。) " You're very skilled at eating with chopsticks" (あなたは箸を使うのがとても上手ですね。) 感心している amazed という言葉は驚きを表しており、上手だ skilled とは 'very good'という意味を伝える別の言葉です。
Katie D DMM英会話講師
  • You use chopsticks very well.

  • For someone from abroad you use chopsticks very well.

You are in a restaurant and you see someone using chopsticks, but they are not from Japan, and they are using them very well, you can use one of these sentences to help you out and get your message across. For example. Excuse me. Yes? I just wanted to say, that, for someone from abroad you use chopsticks very well. Well, thank you. I hope that helps. Have a great day, Will あなたはレストランにいて、箸を使っている人を見かけますが、彼らは日本出身ではなく、とても上手に使っています。 例えば。 すみません。 はい? 海外の人は箸を上手に使っていると言いたいです。 有難う御座います。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を、 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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