That was just your imagination, right? You should make sure of things before making up your mind about something.
How did you decide that? Isn't it just your imagination? You should check before you decide.
「That was just your imagination, right? You should make sure of things before making up your mind about something.」です。
「それは貴方の想像でしょ?」は「That was just your imagination, right?」とか「Isn't it just your imagination?」とか「Are you just guessing?」でもいいと思います。
「確かめもしないで」は「You didn't check」とか「 You didn't even make sure」でもいいんですが、「You should make sure of things」で訳します。「確かめないといけないよ」って言う雰囲気ですね。
「勝手に思い込むな」は「Don't just decide it」とか「 Don't just make up your mind」でいいと思います。日本語の「勝手に」は完璧に英語にはないんですね。でもそういう雰囲気は伝わることはできると思います。
「どうやって判断したの?」は「How did you decide that?」とか「How did you come up with that?」でもいいんです。
It's just your imagination. Don't jump to the conclusion.
How did you decide that? You can't jump to the conclusion without checking.
It's just your imagination. Don't jump to the conclusion.
How did you decide that? You can't jump to the conclusion without checking.
jump to the conclusion「結論を急ぐ、早合点する」