single-fold eyelid on one of my eyes
single-fold eyelid で「一重」
When I woke up this morning, one of my eyelids had a single-fold. Maybe I slept too much.
one of my eyelids had a single-fold で「片目が一重」
When I woke up this morning, one of my eyes looked more Asian than the other. I don't want to go out looking like this.
一重は基本アジア系の人に多いので Asian eyes とも言います。なので one of my eyes looked more Asian 「片目がもっとアジアンぽい」=「片目が一重」というニュアンスになります。
一重や二重を気にするのはアジア人だけのような気がします。なので「一重」を single-fold eyelids と言いましたが、英語ではあまり使わない言葉だと思います。Asian eyes と言った方が通じるかもしれません。
After sleeping all night, I could only open one eye.
I must have slept on my face wrong. This morning I could only open one eye.
I could only open one eye this morning. The other one is swollen.
single eye only
After sleeping all night, I could only open one eye.
I must have slept on my face wrong.
This morning I could only open one eye.
今朝は片目しか開けませんでした。 もう1つは腫れています。
I could only open one eye this morning.
The other one is swollen.