There is no point if it is not a high-performance mask that will stop the virus from being passed.
I want to say, if it is not a surgical mask, there is no point.
「ウィルスを通さない高性能マスクじゃなきゃ意味がない」は英語で「There is no point if it is not a high-performance mask that will stop the virus from being passed」という表現が良いと思います。
政府が布マスクを配布することを受けて、サージカルマスクじゃなきゃ意味がないと伝えたいです。「In response to the government distributing cloth masks, I want to say, if it is not a surgical mask, there is no point.」
"If it's not a high-performance mask that blocks viruses, it's pointless."
"high-performance mask" は「高性能マスク」を指し、"blocks viruses" は「ウィルスを通さない」という意味です。"pointless" は「意味がない」という表現で、状況に合った適切な言い回しです。
- "Only surgical masks that can block viruses are effective."
- "There's no point in wearing a mask if it doesn't block viruses."
- high-performance(高性能)
- block(防ぐ、遮る)
- virus(ウィルス)
- surgical mask(サージカルマスク)
- effective(効果的な)