I feel like I haven't received much information about the infections in South Africa.
I feel like I haven't heard much about the infections in South Africa.
「日本において、ヨーロッパ諸国(イタリア、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ…など)やアメリカ等のコロナウイルスに関しての報道はよく見るが、南アフリカの状況はあまり見ない為、ウイルスがそれらの国々に比べて広まっておらず深刻な状況では無いのかなと個人的に思い」というのは In Japan I've seen a lot of media coverage about the Coronavirus in countries like Italy, England, France, Germany, and America, but because I haven't seen much about South Africa, personally, I think that the virus hasn't spread as much, and the situation there isn't as serious as it is in comparison to those other countries と表現できると思います。
~「感じる」という部分は I feel like にすればいいと思います。
例文 I feel like the situation with the Coronavirus is slowly getting better.