世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/27 14:42
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  • No overtime day

- "No overtime day"(残業禁止の日) ご指定の表現「ノー残業デー」を英語に直訳すると「No overtime day」となります。この表現は比較的直訳的なため、ビジネスの現場などで具体的に「残業をしない日」を示す際に用いることができます。 具体的な文脈に合わせて使うと以下のような形となります: - "Today is a no overtime day."(今日はノー残業デーです。) - "Every week we have 2 no overtime days."(毎週、2日間はノー残業デーです。) また、アメリカでは労働法の規定によって勤務時間が厳しく制限されているので、"In America every day is a no overtime day!"(アメリカでは毎日がノー残業デー!)と冗談半分で言うこともあります。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • No overtime today

  • There is no overtime on Wednesdays.

  • It is the no over time day

This means that there is no overtime on this day. You can even give it a fancy name like "No Overtime Wednesday".
この日は残業は一切ないという意味です。 "No Overtime Wednesday".ノー残業デーといってもいいですね
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "There's no overtime allowed at my office on Wednesday."

  • "There's no overtime today."

  • "In Japan, we sometimes have days where overtime is disallowed to prevent overworking employees"

"There's no overtime allowed at my office on Wednesday." This is the way you would express that your office doesn't allow employees to work overtime on Wednesday. You: "There's no overtime allowed at my office on Wednesday." Person: "It must be great to have some time off!" "There's no overtime today." This is a way to tell someone that you are not working overtime today. You: "There's no overtime today." Person: "That's great! Why don't we do something after work?" "In Japan, we sometimes have days where overtime is disallowed to prevent overworking employees" This is a way you could tell someone who is not familiar with Japanese work culture that there are laws to prevent too much overtime, while also explaining to them that too much overtime is very common. You: "In Japan, we sometimes have days where overtime is disallowed to prevent overworking employees" Person: "Thanks for the information! I didn't know that."
There's no overtime allowed at my office on Wednesday. 水曜日に従業員が会社で残業するとこは、許されないということを表現しています。 You: ""There's no overtime allowed at my office on Wednesday."" 私のオフィスで水曜日に残業は許されません。 Person: ""It must be great to have some time off!"" ゆっくりできるのは素晴らしいです。 There's no overtime today. 今日は残業をしないということを誰かに伝える時の方法です。 You: ""There's no overtime today."" 今日は残業なしです。 Person: ""That's great! Why don't we do something after work?"" いいですね。仕事のあと何かしましょう。 In Japan, we sometimes have days where overtime is disallowed to prevent overworking employees"" 残業しすぎなことをが普通なことを説明することで、たくさん残業する日本の文化に馴染みのない人に言う表現です。 You: ""In Japan, we sometimes have days where overtime is disallowed to prevent overworking employees"" 日本では、時々従業員の過労防止のための日があります。 Person: ""Thanks for the information! I didn't know that.""" 教えてくれてありがとうございます。知りませんでした。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Wednesdays are always free of overtime

  • Wednesdays are overtime-free days

  • Overtime is never scheduled on Wednesdays

In the UK this would probably be explained by saying something like: "Wednesdays are overtime-free days." However, what is more important is why these days are free of overtime? Was iot a management decision - or perhaps a union decision? In the UK such comment would immediately give rise to the question: "Why?' "Wednesdays are always overtime-free because the workers union forced the company to ban overtime on Wednesdays."
イギリスでは、おそらくこのように表現できると思います。  "Wednesdays are overtime-free days." 水曜日は、ノー残業デー。 ただ、「水曜日はノー残業デー」とイギリスで話すと、どうしてこの日だけ残業がないの?会社のルールなの?労働組合のルールなの?という疑問があがるはずです。国によって働く環境は違いますから、このように少し説明を付け足すといいかもしれません。   "Wednesdays are always overtime-free because the workers union forced the company to ban overtime on Wednesdays." 水曜日は、労働組合が残業を禁止しているから、ノー残業デーなんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • no overtime work day

  • no overtime day

no overtime work day でも no overtime day でも通じます。 「水曜日はノー残業デーです」は We have no overtime (work) day on Wednesday. Every Wednesday is no overtime (work) day. です。
  • No overtime day at work.

残業はovertimeですので残業がない日=no overtime dayで表せます。
  • We aren't allowed to work extra hours on Wednesday's to prevent workers from getting overtime.

  • overtime pay

overtime pay - this is the pay you get for working more than 40 hrs/week and usually the rate is 1.5 times the normal working rate We aren't allowed to work extra hours on Wednesday's to prevent workers from getting overtime. - "to get overtime" means that you are paid for some overtime work, so you are getting 1.5 your normal rate for those extra hours
We aren't allowed to work extra hours on Wednesday's to prevent workers from getting overtime.(残業を減らす為に、水曜日は残業しちゃいけないんだ) "to get overtime" =残業する
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • We don't allow overtime work on Wednesdays.

  • Wednesdays are overtime free days at our company

Some companies do have policies regarding overtime. One of the policies may prevent doing overtime on certain days or after a certain hour. In this case, overtime is not allowed on Wednesdays. There may be another policy preventing workers from doing overtime without authority. So, you may say: We don't allow overtime work on Wednesdays. or Wednesdays are overtime free days at our company .
残業についてキャンペーンをやっている会社もありますよね。ある曜日やある時間帯以降の残業を禁止するというのもひとつの手だと思います。この場合は、水曜日の残業は禁止されているんですね。その他にも、許可なしの残業を禁止するという手もあるでしょう。 よって、以下のように言うことが出来ます。 "We don't allow overtime work on Wednesdays." (水曜日の残業は認めません。) "Wednesdays are overtime free days at our company." (うちの会社では、水曜日は残業禁止なんです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Over-time Free day

  • Its part of the company's policy; wednesday is an over-time free day.

It would appear that this is a kind of" a cost saving exercise "... and a way to make sure this company does not run out of " cash flow".  "It's part of the company's policy; wednesday is an over-time free day."
コスト削減策の一種でしょうか...キャッシュフロー対策とか。 "It's part of the company's policy; wednesday is an over-time free day." 会社の方針なんです。水曜日はノー残業デーです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • A day with no overtime.

  • Overtime is forbidden on _____.

We would say that it is a, "day with no overtime," which means you cannot work outside of the normal working hours. We can also say that overtime, "is forbidden on ___," and then mention what day overtime is forbidden on.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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