My youngest daughter is in her 2nd (second) year of high school and is wondering what she should do with her field of interest after graduating high school.
My youngest daughter is in her 2nd year of high school and is wondering if she should keep on going with her study at a college/university or start working.
My youngest daughter is in her 2nd (second) year of high school and is wondering what she should do with her field of interest after graduating high school.
My youngest daughter is in her 2nd year of high school. = 一番下の娘は高校二年生です。
is wondering what she should do with her (field of interest [専攻への興味])after graduating high school. = 彼女は迷ってます卒業後どこに専攻すべきか。
My youngest daughter is in her 2nd year of high school and is wondering if she should keep on going with her study at a college/university or start working.
My youngest daughter is in her 2nd year of high school. = 一番下の娘は高校二年生です。
is wondering if she should keep on going with her study at a college/university or start working = 彼女は迷ってます勉強を続けで大学に進もうか就職しようか。
My youngest daughter is a sophomore in high school. She hasn't decided what to do after high school.
My youngest daughter is in her second year in high school. She's still deciding her next step.
My youngest daughter is a second-year student in high school. It looks like she's still thinking about what to do next.
「2年生」は、いくつかの表現があります。a sophomore を使ってもいいですし、in one's second year または、a second-year student が一般的です。
英訳1:a sophomore だけで「高校(もしくは大学)の2年生」の意味があります。
「進路が決まっていない」は、hasn't decided what ~ 「決めていない」とも言えます。むしろこれが主流な表現。
英訳2:be in one's (序数) year は「〜年目」という意味なので、後ろに学校をつけると「〜年生」、分野をつけると「その分野で〜年目」と意味で使えます。ちなみに、She's in her 30s. だと「彼女は30代だ」という意味です。
英訳3:「〜みたい」は強いニュアンスではないので、必ずしもつける必要はないですが、簡単な言い方があります。文頭に it looks like をつけるだけで自然な表現になるのでとても便利です。