I should have gone to the salon before this happened.
"こんなことになる前に美容室に行っておけばよかった" は英語で I should have gone to the salon before this happened. です。
"こんなことになる前に = before this (situation) happened/before we got into this situation
美容室に行 = to the (beauty) salon
行っておけばよかった = should have gone
I should have gone to the salon before the stay at home order happened.
Before all of this happened, I should've went to the beauty salon.
I should've went to the beauty salon before all of this happened.
「こんなことになる前に」=「before all of this happened」
「美容室に行っておけばよかった」=「(I) should have went to the beauty salon」
もちろん、「all of this happened」のかわりに「having to stay at home」=「ステイホームになる」を使ってもいいです。