The image conveyed to the other person depends greatly on the manner of presentation.
The image the other person gets can change a lot based on how you express it.
The image conveyed to the other person depends greatly on the manner of presentation.
与えるイメージ = (the) image conveyed
OOによって...大きく変わる = depends greatly on OO / can change a lot depending on OO
"can change a lot" とは「大きく変わる」に近いですが同じ意味を含める "depends greatly on" はもっとスムーズな英語です。
表現の仕方 = (the) manner of presentation / (the) manner of expression
"expression" とは普段自分から来るものに対して使われています。
"presentation" とは、逆に、私的ではないものに使われています。
The image the other person gets can change a lot based on how you express/present it.