I don't need many friends, I want to treasure the friends I have now.
I don't need fake relationships, I want to treasure what I have now.
No need for fake friendships, I know people and that is more than enough.
I don't need many friends, I want to treasure the friends I have now. - 多くの友達はいらない、今いる友達を大事にしたい。
I don't need fake relationships, I want to treasure what I have now. - 偽物の関係はいらない、今持ってるものを大事にしたい。
No need for fake friendships, I know people and that is more than enough. - 偽物の友達関係はいらない、自分には知り合いがいてむしろそれで十分だ、十分以上だ。