If we don't strengthen our nation and reduce our dependence on other countries, we are in danger.
It is risky to rely too much on other countries.
Depending on other countries exposes our nation to many risks.
During the coronavirus pandemic we relied on other countries too much for the production of masks, which became a huge issue. If we don't strengthen our nation and reduce our dependence on other countries, we are in danger.
During the coronavirus pandemic we were too dependent on other countries for the manufacturing of masks and suffered as a result. It is risky to rely too much on other countries.
During the coronavirus pandemic we needed masks that were produced in other countries, which caused big problems. Depending on other countries exposes our nation to many risks.
・例文一は直訳に近いですが、英語だとちょっと不器用なので、例文二と例文三を意訳しました。意訳の例文では、英語だと"strengthen our nation"の部分はちょっと蛇足だと思ったのでそれを省いて、「他国に依存せず」の部分を強調しました。