ーWhich things are you going to bring with you?
ーWhich things would you like to have moved?
Which things の代わりに Which of your belongings と言っても良いですね。
belonging は「所有物・所持品」
ーWhich furniture and appliances will you be moving?
一番目の"which things would you like me to take?"とは「どの物を私が運べばいいでしょうか?」と訳せます。
二番目の"are you planning to take these things with you?"とは「これらのものを一緒に持っていく予定ですか?」と訳せます。
または、"You are taking all these things with you, right?" (これらは全て一緒にあなたが持っていくものですよね?)という言い方もできます。