「なんとかなる」は英語に訳すのが難しいです ;-;
でも、私はこの場合だと it'll work out か everything will work out が一番近いと思います。
その他:everything will be alright; everything will work out
「自分でなんとかする」は I'll make it work か I'll do something about it か I'll make it happen といえます。
「どうするの?」What are you going to do?
「なんとかする」I'm going to do something about it/I'll do something/I'll make it work
It is often said that "everything will work out" but it ends up 'working out' because you yourself do something about it.
It is often said that "everything will work out" but it ends up 'working out' because you make it work out.