The coronavirus took away many opportunities from us.
"コロナウイルスは私達から色々なものを奪いました" は英語で The coronavirus took a lot of things from us. といえます。
例:For example my school festival got cancelled.
The coronavirus took away many opportunities from us. ともいえます。
opportunities = 契機・機会
So many things in our lives were taken away from us because of the Coronavirus.
We lost the opportunity to do so many different things due to the spread of COVID-19.
ーSo many things in our lives were taken away from us because of the Coronavirus.
be taken away で「持って行かれる・奪われる」
ーWe lost the opportunity to do so many different things due to the spread of COVID-19.
lost the opportunity で「機会を逃す・機会を失う」
spread of COVID-19 で「コロナウイルスの蔓延」