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2015/11/27 20:50
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  • The trash is overflowing.

英語では「ゴミ箱がゴミで溢れている」は「The trash is overflowing」に単純に訳せます。 ゴミ箱: trash trash can garbage garbage can ゴミ: trash garbage 「ゴミ箱がゴミで溢れている」は直接訳したら、「The trash is overflowing with garbage」ですが、「The trash is overflowing」の表現に「ゴミで」を抜けました。なぜかというと、「ゴミ箱が溢れている」と言ったら、中身はゴミなことなのは当たり前です。 下記は他の言い方です: The garbage is overflowing. The trash can is overflowing. The garbage can is overflowing. 英語頑張ってください!:)
  • The trash can is full.

「溢れている」という表現がもし思いつかなければ 「いっぱい」などと言い換えられるといいですよね。 The trash can is full. ごみ箱がいっぱいです。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • The trash can is completely full and overflowing.

  • The rubbish bin is completely overflowing.

  • The trash bin is overflowing with garbage.

"The trash can is completely full and overflowing." As stated, this expression implies that the trash can is completely full of garbage or trash and trash is spilling out. "The rubbish bin is completely overflowing." This is the British English for the previous expression "the trash can is overflowing." "The trash bin is overflowing with garbage." This is a slightly more formal and detailed way to express that the garbage can is overflowing with trash. Note: The British use a different word for trash or garbage than Americans. The British usually say "rubbish" instead of "trash" or "garbage."
The trash can is completely full and overflowing. ゴミ箱がゴミで溢れており、捨てる必要があることを意味します。 The rubbish bin is completely overflowing. 「ther trash can is overflowing」をイギリス英語の表現の仕方です。 The trash bin is overflowing with garbage. ゴミがゴミ箱から溢れていることを表現する丁寧かつ詳細な言い方です。 メモ:イギリス英語では、ゴミついてアメリカ英語と違う使い方をします。 「trash」や「garbage」の代わりに「rubbish」と言います。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • An overflowing trashcan

  • The trashcan is overflowing.

An overflowing trashcan. We use 'an' because the following word begins with a vowel sound (o). 'Overflowing' - refers to the bin being filled with trash to the point that the trash is spilling out. Example A: Isn't that gross? B: What? A: That overflowing trashcan. A: You need to take the trash out now. B: Why? A: The trashcan is overflowing
An overflowing trashcan. →ゴミで溢れたゴミ箱 次に続く音が母音"o"ではじまるため、冠詞は'an'になります。 'Overflowing' -ゴミが溢れかえっているゴミ箱を表します 例文 A: Isn't that gross? →気持ち悪くない? B: What? →なにが? A: That overflowing trashcan. →そのゴミで溢れかえったゴミ箱よ。 A: You need to take the trash out now. →ゴミを捨てなきゃね。 B: Why? →どうして? A: The trashcan is overflowing →だってゴミ箱がゴミで溢れかえっているもの。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The rubbish bin is overfull

  • The rubbish is piled up in the bin.

Overfull means that too much has been placed in one location. "Would you like some more roast beef?" "No thanks - I am feeling rather overfull. I've eaten too much." When things are 'piled up' they are layered on top of one another. "The plates are piled up and waiting to be washed."
Overfullとは、一つの場所にものが置かれすぎているときに使われます。 "Would you like some more roast beef?" ローストビーフもっと欲しい? "No thanks - I am feeling rather overfull. I've eaten too much." 大丈夫、もういっぱいだよ、もうたくさん食べたし。 piled upを使うことで、積み重なったという意味になります。 "The plates are piled up and waiting to be washed." 皿洗いをしなくちゃいけない皿が積み重なっている。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Rubbish bin is full.

  • The bin has exceeded its capacity.

The first example is a straightforward way of saying this. The second example is a more 'formal' way of saying this/ exceeded= gone beyond the limit. Capacity= The amount allowed in a space.
最初の例は直接的な言い方で、二つ目の例はformalな言い方になります。 exceeded = 限界を超える Capacity: 許容量
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • The trash can is more than full.

"The trash can is more than full." This means that the trash can very full and some of the trash is falling to the ground.
"The trash can is more than full." これは、ゴミ箱がいっぱいでゴミあふれています、と言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The trash bin is full of garbage.

  • The rubbish bin is overfull

Your example can be used for this situation, although, I would prefer to say "the rubbish bin", there is nothing wrong in using the word "trash".
あなたの考えた例も使えますよ。個人的には "the rubbish bin"(ゴミ箱)と言うことが多いですが、"trash" でも問題はありません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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