If I let every racial slur I've ever heard bother me, I wouldn't make it.
If I were bothered by every prejudiced comment I hear I couldn't handle life.
ーIf I let every racial slur I've ever heard bother me, I wouldn't make it, so I've learned not to let it bother me.
racial slur で「人種的中傷・人種差別的な発言」
bother で「くよくよする・悩む」
not to let it bother me で「気にしないようにする」
ーIf I were bothered by every prejudiced comment I hear I couldn't handle life, so I try not to let things like that get under my skin.
prejudiced comment で「偏見のあるコメント」
get under one's skin で「人の気に障る・人をイライラさせる・人を悩ませる」