世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 01:34
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  • It's hard to trust people who come in late without prior notice.

  • I find it hard to trust people who are late without prior notice.

  • It's difficult to trust people who are tardy without giving a head's up.




I can't trust people who arrive late without prior notice.
※「I can't trust」=「信用できない」
※「people who arrive late」、「people who come in late」、「people who are late」=「遅れてくる人」
※「prior notice」=「事前の連絡」

「can't trust」ですと、かなり性格の固い印象が出るんですよね、実は。
僕でしたら、「hard to trust」、「difficult to trust」(「信用しにくい」)を使います。

It's hard to trust people who come in late without prior notice.
I find it hard to trust people who are late without prior notice.
It's difficult to trust people who are tardy without giving a head's up.
※「prior notice」を少しくだけて言うと「head's up」になります。

  • I can't trust people who come in late without notice.

  • The people who came late without notice could not be trusted.

連絡なしで、は、without notice、信用する、はtrust を使います。
上記は、I が主語で自分の意見、2番目は、やや、こういうものだ、という一般的な見方でやや遠まわしな言い方になります。

  • I can't trust people who arrive late without letting me know.

  • People who arrive late without notice can't be trusted.

"I can't trust people who arrive late without letting me know" is a statement that people who don't tell you they are going to be late make you lose the ability to trust them.
"People who arrive late without notice can't be trusted' this is a more harsh statement than the previous one because it doesn't use the subject 'I' which makes it more than a personal opinion. Saying "People who arrive late can't be trusted" implies that it is a fact and not just your opinion.

"I can't trust people who arrive late without letting me know."
- 遅れることを連絡しない人は信用できないと伝えています。

"People who arrive late without notice can't be trusted."
- これは一つ前の文よりも厳しい言い方です。主語の「I」がないので、個人的な意見以上のものとして言っています。「People who arrive late can't be trusted」は、意見ではなく事実というニュアンスになります。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I don't trust people who show up late without any notice.

  • People who arrive late without notice can't be trusted.

The expression "I find it hard to believe" is used often in the US. We say this to express to people that you have lost faith or trust in them and their abilities.
For example: "I find it hard to believe in someone who always shows up late".
You can also use words like: show up, arrive, and come to.
"People who constantly come late to events are hard to trust".

アメリカでは「I find it hard to believe」という表現がよく使われます。これは、人や人の能力について信頼できないことを表します。

"I find it hard to believe in someone who always shows up late".

「show up」「arrive」「come to」などの言葉が使えます。
"People who constantly come late to events are hard to trust".

Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I don't trust people who can't be bothered to let me know they will be late

  • People arriving late should always call ahead and say they will be late - I can't trust people who don't do that

You can't trust people who come late to something without notice - and you wish to explain that. the above suggestions may be appropriate.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I do not trust people who arrive/come late without letting me know

  • I can not trust people who come in late without notice

  • I can not trust people who arrive late without letting me know

To trust someone means you have confidence or can rely on them to do something
so if they come in late then you might not trust them as much
' I can not trust people who come in late without notice' is a great sentence to use for this

'I can not trust people who come in late without notice'

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't trust someone who does not call to say they are going to be late.

  • It is hard to trust someone who is late and does not call.

It is hard to trust someone who does not give you notice that they are going to be late. Therefore you can say "I don't trust someone who does not call to say they are going to be late." OR "It is hard to trust someone who is late and does not call."


"I don't trust someone who does not call to say they are going to be late."

"It is hard to trust someone who is late and does not call."

Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I don't trust people who arrive late without an excuse.

  • I don't easily trust people who come late without a reason or notice.

arrive late without an excuse: means that they should have a valid reason to why they were late which you can accept or not.
easily trust: these two words are commonly used together and would give the impression that you have some experience with people arriving late and informing you about it which resulted in something not good.

Hope this helps!

"I don't trust people who arrive late without an excuse."
arrive late without an excuse: これは、遅れる場合にはそれなりの理由が必要という意味です。

"I don't easily trust people who come late without a reason or notice."
easily trust: この二つの単語はよく一緒に使われます。これは、実際に経験したことというニュアンスです。


Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I can't trust people who don't give a heads up

  • I can't trust people who come late without notice.

If you want to explain that you can't trust people who come late to something without giving notice, you can say:
"I can't trust people who don't give a heads up."
"I can't trust people who come late without notice."


"I can't trust people who don't give a heads up."(事前に連絡してこない人は信用できない)
"I can't trust people who come late without notice."(連絡もせずに遅れてくる人は信用できない)

Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • You can't trust someone who is late without letting you know

  • You can't trust someone who comes late without giving any notice

これは例えば You can't trust someone who is late without letting you know や You can't trust someone who comes late without giving any notice と言えます。この場合の You は文字通りの「あなた」ではなく、一般的な意味の you です。例えば You can never tell when an earthquake is going to come (地震はいつ起きるか予想できない)


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