I won't be able to text you back.
I can't reply to you until later.
「返信・返事」に関しては、もともと texting はSMS(ショートメッセージサービス)を使ってメッセージを送ることですが、日本語の「メールする」という表現のように携帯電話などを使ってメッセージを送ること全般を指したりもします。reply to [人] や talk to [人] でもいいです。
I won't be able to reply since I’ll be offline for a while.
I won't be able to reply since I’ll be offline for a while.
実際には”Sorry! I’ll be offline for a while!"などと言えば伝わるでしょう。
A: Tell me more about yesterday!
B: Sry, won't be able to reply for a while. Later!
Sry は Sorry の略語です。a while で「しばらく」です。
他には brb(be right back)や bbl(be back later)などと言えば、しばらく返信できないことが伝わります。
When you use the phrase "out of touch," you are saying that you won't reply/chat/be able to look at SNS.
You can use it like this:
- I have to run some errands for work, so I'll be out of touch for a bit.
- I'll be at dinner with my parents, so I'll be out of touch for a bit.
(a bit = a little while)
If you want to reassure the person that you will reply, but not for a little while, you ca use this:
- It might take a bit for me to reply.
The nuance is that you want to/will reply.
"out of touch," はSNSを開くことができないためメールやチャットに返事ができない時に使います。
- I have to run some errands for work, so I'll be out of touch for a bit.
- I'll be at dinner with my parents, so I'll be out of touch for a bit.
(a bit = a little while=少しの間)
- It might take a bit for me to reply.
1.I won't be able to reply for a while.
This means that the reply would not be immediate, but would come after awhile.
2. I won't be able to respond right away.
This is another way of saying that the response would not be immediate.
1. I won7t be able to reply for a while.
2. I won't be able to respond right away.
You can say :
I won't be able to reply now
I will not be able to reply for a while
I will reply much later
I won't be able to reply now. (今返信できない。)
I will not be able to reply for a while.(しばらく返信ができないでしょう。)
I will reply much later.(かなりあとで返信します。)
= not able to be contacted by phone or other means.
‘He is holidaying in Tasmania and is uncontactable.’
To be off the radar = to fall into obscurity or disappear from public view.
You just went through a messy divorce and then you got sacked from your job.
You got into debt and your house was repossessed.
You are drinking too much and feeling depressed.
There is only one thing to do
- get away!
You book a flight for the Dominican republic and send an email to your sister:
"I'll be away for a while.
I'll be off the radar.
Uncontactable. Will send you a postcard!"
Uncontactable = 電話やその他の手段で連絡がつかない
‘He is holidaying in Tasmania and is uncontactable.’
To be off the radar = 圏外に行く、レーダーから消えること
"I'll be away for a while. I'll be off the radar. Uncontactable. Will send you a postcard!"
To be unreachable/unavailable it means to be unable to be reached or contacted.
This means that maybe you are in an area without network and you cannot respond to any messages so you will respond later.
For example:
"I am going to be unavailable/unreachable for a while because the place I am visiting doesn't have network so I won't be able to reply your messages."
To be unreachable/unavailable とは、連絡がとれない、という意味で使われます。
"I am going to be unavailable/unreachable for a while because the place I am visiting doesn't have network so I won't be able to reply your messages."
The second sentence is a directive one with explanation you can't do something in the fiuture, whereas, the first says there is a change of you doing it.