'The corner shop' is a traditional name in the UK for a small, privately owned shop offering a range of basic household necessities including food and alcohol. Such business has been slightly eroded in recent years by national chains opening up 'convenience stores' and keeping longer opening hours and adopting large scale advertising and promotion techniques.
The corner shop' はイギリスでは個人でやっている食料やお酒など日用品店を売っているところを指します。そういったビジネスは最近では全国チェーン展開するコンビニに浸食されている部分は多少あります。そういったところでは、営業時間を延ばしたり、大規模な広告やプロモーションのテクニックを駆使など努力しています。
In the US, a lot of convenience stores are connected to gas stations, so people will often say things like, "I'm going to stop at the gas station on my way home to pick up some eggs."
Have a great day!
そのため人々は、「 I'm going to stop at the gas station on my way home to pick up some eggs.」と言います。
コンビニ = convenience store, corner store, general store
1. I bought breakfast from a convenience store. = コンビニで朝ご飯を買いました。
2. There are a lot of Lawson convenience stores near my house. = 私の家の近くに「ローソン」というコンビニが たくさんあります。
コンビニ = convenience store, corner store, general store
1. I bought breakfast from a convenience store. = コンビニで朝ご飯を買いました。
2. There are a lot of Lawson convenience stores near my house. = 私の家の近くに「ローソン」というコンビニが たくさんあります。
Convenience store
a shop with extended opening hours
it stocks a limited range of household goods and groceries
A: Where are you going?
B: I'm going to the convenience store
Convenience store
A: Where are you going?
B: I'm going to the convenience store.
(convenience storeに行きます)
In the U.S., a convenience store refers to a shop with quick or handy items like beverages, snacks, medicine, etc.
A gas station is a convenience store (for the most part) with the obvious difference in that they sell gas as well.
"7/11's" are popular gas stations and convenience stores in the U.S. Sometimes people will just say "7/11' to refer to the convenience store.
EX: I'm going to run to the 7/11 down the street and pick up a few things. Do you need anything?
I'm heading to the convenience store to pick up a gallon of milk.
アメリカでは、"convenience store" は飲み物・軽食・薬などの便利な商品、すぐに使える商品を売るお店です。
"gas station" は(ほぼ)"convenience store" です、唯一の違いはガソリンも売っているということ。
"7/11" はアメリカで人気の "gas station"(ガソリンスタンド)であり "convenience store"(コンビニ)です。
単に '7/11' で、"convenience store"(コンビニ)を指すこともあります。
I'm going to run to the 7/11 down the street and pick up a few things. Do you need anything?
I'm heading to the convenience store to pick up a gallon of milk.
A convenience store is a store selling a limited variety of food and pharmaceutical items but when you say local, you underline the location of the shop and not its type
In Ireland we would call this the 'local shop' or simple just the 'shop'. However, in the UK they can be called the 'convenience store'. In New Zealand this can be called the 'dairy'.
A: Can you go to the shop for me?
B: Sure, what do you want?
アイルランドではこれは 'local shop' か、単に 'shop' と呼ばれます。ただ、イギリスでは 'convenience store' と呼ばれます。ニュージーランドでは 'dairy' と呼ばれます。
A: Can you go to the shop for me?(コンビニ行ってきてくれる?)
B: Sure, what do you want?(もちろん、何が欲しいの?)
・convenience store
「コンビニ」は convenience store と言えば伝わることが多いです。
There are many convenience stores in Japan.
また、konbini のようにそのまま言って、どのような店なのかを説明するのも良いと思います。