She didn't want to admit that health wanes with age
waneは一般的にwaning with ageではなく、人気(例えば芸能人の話)、健康、美とかのwaningについて言わないといけないので、
「年齢による衰え」でwaneの入っている表現に訳すと、health wanes with ageにしましたが、beauty wanes with age/ fame wanes with ageなどもOKです。
「〜をどうしても認めたくなかった」はshe didn't want to admit that~に訳しましたが、「どうしても」を保ちたければshe couldn't admit thatは一番意味が伝わる表現だと思います。
Even though she knew she was getting older, she had trouble accepting the fact that her health was waning.
She knew she was aging, but did not want to admit that her overall health was declining.
ーEven though she knew she was getting older, she had trouble accepting the fact that her health was waning.
〇〇 was waning で「〇〇が衰えてきていた」
have trouble accepting で「認めるのが困難である・受け入れがたい」
ーShe knew she was aging, but did not want to admit that her overall health was declining.
did not want to admit で「認めたくなかった」
overall health で「健康全般」
decline で「衰える」