In comparison to "B to C", "B to B" has a more distant relationship to its customers.
When compared to "B to C", "B to B" has a less personal relationship with its customers.
"B to C" has a less personal relationship with its customers compared to "B to B".
英訳1:in comparison to ...は「…と比較して」という意味のフレーズ。「距離が遠い」は「より遠い関係性を持っている」と考えて、have a more distant relationshipと表すことができます。
英訳2:最初の従属節は、When "B to B" is compared to "B to C"の省略形です。
less personal relationshipは「関係性が薄い」ということ。
英訳3:「B to Bと比べて」を文末に置く場合は、in comparison toではなく、compared to "B to B"とする方が自然です。
ちなみに、「顧客と(サービスを提供する)会社との距離」は distance between the customers and the service providersと言えます。
- "B to B" has is not as close to its customers as "B to C" is.
*not as close as ...「…ほど近くない」
- "B to B" doesn't have as close a relationship to its customers as "B to C" does.