Listen to this story and talk about whatever images come to mind.
Please talk about whatever you thought of after hearing this story.
ーListen to this story and talk about whatever images come to mind.
talk about で「〜について話す」
whatever images come to mind で「頭に浮かぶイメージ・印象なんでも」
ーPlease talk about whatever you thought of after hearing this story.
whatever you thought of で「あなたが思いついたこと・ふと心に浮かんだことなんでも」
Please describe what you associate with this story.
Please describe your thoughts about this story.
Please describe what you associate with this story.
associate で「連想する」ですが、考えを聞きたい場合は一文目の「thoughts」を使った文章の方がいいと思います。(インタビューということなので、色々勝手に想像して一文目も回答しましたが、質問で意図されないところでしたらすみません。)