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2016/07/25 22:51
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  • Nothing would be fun without friends.

  • I can't imagine my life without friends.

"Nothing would be fun without friends." 「友達がいなければなにも面白くない。」 もし「いなかったら」なので、仮定法wouldを使いました。 "I can't imagine my life without friends."「友達がいない人生なんて考えられない。」 これは少しニュアンスが変わりおおげさな表現ですが、"can't imagine without..."はよく登場する表現です。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • What can I do without my friends?

*What can I do without my friends? This is a rhetoric question. A rhetoric question is a question that you ask without expecting an answer. The question might be one that does not have an answer. It might also be one that has an obvious answer but you have asked the question to make point. This means you appreciate your friends and glad to have them.
*What can I do without my friends? これはa rhetoric questionです。 A rhetoric questionとは、答えを期待しないで尋ねる質問です。 その質問は答えがないものかもしれません。 それは答えが明らかだけど、要点をわからせるために質問をしたのかもしれません。 つまり、あなたは友達に感謝し、いてくれて嬉しいと思っています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's friends that make things fun!

  • Without friends, it's no fun

We are all social animals with a need to interact with our fellow beings on a regular basis - if not purely for social reasons but perhaps because we ourselves may need help, advice or business relations. If you find yourself alone in a place where others are enjoying themselves, you may well say to yourself: "Without friends, it's no fun."
人間というのは、定期的に仲間との対話を必要とする社会的な動物です。純粋に社会的な理由ではない場合、助けや助言が必要であったり、ビジネスに関するものかもしれません。 他の人が楽しんでいる場所で孤独であると感じるのであれば、 以下のように心に思うでしょう。 ”Without friends, it's no fun.” 友達なしでは楽しくない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any fun without my friends.

  • My friends make everything fun for me.

  • I can't have fun unless I have friends.

I don't have any fun without my friends. My friends make everything fun for me. I can't have fun unless I have friends. I need to make more friends so I can have some fun. I hate doing things alone. It's much better with friends. I like doing things with friends because it's more fun. It's just not fun to do things without my friends with me.
I don't have any fun without my friends.(友達がいないと全然楽しくありません) My friends make everything fun for me.(友達がいると全てが楽しくなります) I can't have fun unless I have friends.(友達がいないと楽しくありません) I need to make more friends so I can have some fun.(もう少し遊べるように友達を作らないといけない) I hate doing things alone. It's much better with friends.(一人で物事をするのは嫌いです。友達がいた方がずっといいです) I like doing things with friends because it's more fun.(友達と一緒に物事をするのが好きです。その方が楽しいです) It's just not fun to do things without my friends with me.(友達がいないと何かしても面白くない)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Nothing would be fun without friends

  • Friends make everything fun!

  • Without friends it's not fun!

When you have good friends you tend to enjoy yourself and it makes you happy so to describe this you could say 'without friends it's not fun!' or 'friends make everything fun!'
「仲の良い友達がいると物事が楽しくなる」、これは次のように説明できます。 'without friends it's not fun!'(友達がいないと楽しくない) または 'friends make everything fun!'(友達がいると全てが楽しくなる)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't enjoy things without my friends.

  • I can't imagine what I'd do without my friends.

  • Without my friends I can't do anything

"I don't enjoy things without my friends." - Simply means that you can't enjoy/have fun without the company of your friends. "I can't imagine what I'd do without my friends." - This is an exaggeration, but a nice one, as you are saying that your friends are everything to you. "Without my friends I can't do anything" - This may be true or again another exaggeration. For a positive spin on the phrase you may say "with my friends I can do anything".
"I don't enjoy things without my friends."(友達がいないと楽しくない) - シンプルに、友達がいないと物事が楽しめないという意味です。 "I can't imagine what I'd do without my friends."(友達がいなくなったらどうなるか想像できない) - これは誇張した言い方ですが、いい表現です。友達は全てであると伝えています。 "Without my friends I can't do anything"(友達がいないと何もできない) - これは当てはまるかもしれませんし、また誇張かもしれません。これを肯定的な言い方にすると、例えば次のように言えます。 "With my friends I can do anything"(友達がいればなんでもできる)
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't matter what you do, it's who you do it with.

  • It's not the place you go, it's the company you have there.

  • It's not where you travel to, it's who you travel with.

These statements are all variations of one another depending on the situation. They all basically mean that it makes no matter what the activity is, where you are or where you travel to, but what is important is the person or people you are with there. In other words, it's the company you have when doing something or being somewhere that makes the experience enjoyable or worthwhile.
これらは同じことを状況によって微妙に異なる言い方で伝えています。 基本的にはどれも「重要なのは何をするのかやどこにいるのか、どこに行くのかではなく、誰といるかである」という意味です。言い換えれば「物事を楽しくあるいは価値あるものにするのはその場にいる仲間である」ということです。
Sheila Lee DMM英会話講師
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