I have 4 years until I retire, so I joined a learned society in order to enjoy myself until then.
I joined a learned society in order to enjoy the remaining 4 years until I retire.
「学会」は英語でlearned societyと言います。(また、理科の学会なのでscientific societyとも呼べます。)よって、「退職まで4年なので、楽しむために学会の会員になった」をそのまま英語にするとI have 4 years until I retire, so I joined a learned society in order to enjoy myself until then.となります。
これでも十分伝わりますが、I joined a learned society in order to enjoy the remaining 4 years until I retire.という言い方もあります。直訳すると「退職までの4年間を楽しむために学会の会員になった」となり、意味を変わらずにより簡潔に伝えられます。
I have four years left until retirement, so I joined a learned society to enjoy my time until then.
- I have four years left until retirement, so I joined a learned society to enjoy my time until then.
- I joined a learned society to enjoy the four years I have left until retirement.
一応調べてみて learned society と academic meeting が出てきましたが
料理の学会は多分 culinary society だと思います。
I joined a culinary society to enjoy my four years before I retire.