trying to fix my knees. because my knees are going the wrong way. 私の膝は変な方向をしているからor歪んでいると言いたいです。i was also wondering if i should put "THE" before "wrong way".
I'm trying to fix my knees because they are bent the wrong way.
I'm trying to get my knees straightened out because they are not lined up properly.
Jasmin or Mikuさんの英文で大丈夫ですよ。my knees が2度使われているので、because の後ろの my knees は they に置き換えてあげると良いでしょう。
あと wrong way の前には the が必要です。
ーI'm trying to fix my knees because they are bent the wrong way.
they are bent the wrong way を使っても表現できます。
ーI'm trying to get my knees straightened out because they are not lined up properly.
to get my straightened out で「膝をまっすぐにする・正しい状態にする」
they are not lined up properly で「(膝が)きちんとまっすぐでない」