「連れていく」はtake(あるいはtake with)またはbring withと言います。よって、「子供をプールに連れてってくれてありがとう」を英語で言うなら、I appreciate you taking my children to the poolは全く違和感のない言い方です。ただ、childrenは日常会話には少し堅苦しい言い方なので、kidsと言った方が自然に聞こえます。よって、
Thanks for taking my kids to the pool.
Thanks for bringing my kids with you to the pool.
I appreciate you taking my kids to the pool.
I appreciate you taking my son/daughter to the pool.
・「I appreciate you taking my kids to the pool. 」「Thank you for taking my kids to the pool.」
(例文)Thank you for taking my kids to the pool. They told me they had so much fun.
(例文)I appreciate you taking my son/daughter to the pool.