It's not that easy. A lot of people study really hard to pass.
・It's not that easy.
(例文)It's not that easy. You have to study to pass the exam.
(例文)It's not that easy. A lot of people study really hard to pass.
Japanese private elementary school entrance exams are not that easy. It's necessary to enroll in a cram school to pass the entrance exam.
「そんなに簡単じゃない」は英約すれば「It's not that easy」や「It's not that simple」と言えます。「easy」と「simple」は同じ意味なので、どっちでも使えば構いません。
「日本の私立小学校の入試はそんなに簡単じゃないよ。予備校に通って対策を練る(入試対策をする)必要がある。」という文章も英訳すれば、「Japanese private elementary school entrance exams are not that easy. It's necessary to enroll in a cram school to pass the entrance exam.」になります。
この場合、「it」の代わりに具体的に「Japanese private elementary school entrance exams」に入れます。