世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 15:54
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  • It's too bad we can't see each other as much as we would like.

  • I miss you so much.

こちらは「[会いたい](のに会えないね」という直訳ではないが、よく親しい[友人](や家族や彼氏となかなか会えない時に電話で言う言葉です。 I miss you! あたな会いたいな! I miss you so much! あなたとても会いたいな! I wish I could see you! あなた会えたらいい(望み) 「会いたいのに会えないね」を直訳したら、このようになります。 It's too bad we can't see each other as much as we would like.
  • I'm sad I don't get to see you.

  • We can't see each other as much as we want to.

最初の言い方は「あなたに会う[機会](がなくて悲しい」という自分の気持ちを出している感じです。 get to ~ = ~する機会がある 2番目の言い方は、相手も自分に[会いたい](と思っていることを前提にした言い方で、 「会いたいと思ってるほど会えないね」というニュアンスです。
  • 1) I miss you when we're apart.

  • 2) I wish we could see each other more.

  • 3) I really miss you.

1) This explains the situation that you miss him when you're not together, implying that you would like to meet each other soon. 2) This suggests that you would like to meet more so that you don't miss each other. 3) Shows you miss him. A simple: "When can we meet? I miss you" is also good.
1) これは一緒にいないときに、あなたが彼とすぐに会いたいと思っていることを説明します。 2) これはお互いにさみしくならないようもっと会いたいことを伝える表現です。 3) 彼に会いたいことを伝える表現です。 "When can we meet? I miss you"(いつ会える?会いたいよ)というシンプルな表現もよいでしょう。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • It makes me so sad to know that we can't see much of each other.

  • I wish there was a way for us to see each other more.

  • If it were up to me we would see each other more.

It makes me so sad to know that we can't see much of each other. -For situations where nothing can be done to change the situation. I wish there was a way for us to see each other more. -To open up a platform for your partner to give you suggestions as you are out of ideas. If it were up to me we would see each other more. -This phrase is use when you cannot control the circumstances causing you to not be able to see your partner often.
It makes me so sad to know that we can't see much of each other.(お互いにあまり会えなくてとても悲しい) -状況を変えるために何もできない場合。 I wish there was a way for us to see each other more.(もっと会える方法があったらいいのに) -あなたにはアイデアがなくなったので、パートナーに提案をしてもらう。 If it were up to me we would see each other more.(私次第だったらもっと会うのに) -このフレーズは、あなたが自分のパートナーに頻繁に会えなくなる状況をコントロールできない場合に使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It is so sad that we can't spend as much time as we would have wanted.

  • I wish I could see you more.

Sometimes we get busy with work and we can't spend time with our significant others. However it is always good to remind them that you are thinking of them. You can use the following sentences to express how you feel: 1."It is so sad that we can't spend as much time as we would have wanted." 2."I wish I could see you more."
忙しくなると大切な人と過ごす時間も少なくなってしまいがちです。 そんな時は言葉にしていつもあなたの事を考えていますよ、ということを伝えてあげると良いでしょう。 その時はこんな表現が使えます 1."It is so sad that we can't spend as much time as we would have wanted." 私たちが望むほど一緒に時間が過ごせなくて悲しい 2."I wish I could see you more." もっと頻繁に会えたらいいのに
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's unfortunate that we cannot spend more time together.

  • I'd love to see you more, but time is against us.

"Unfortunate" is used to express that something is undesired by the speaker. In this case, the speaker wants to spend more time with the listener (recipient of the message) but due to certain reasons, it cannot happen. Secondly, I provided another example, which includes the expression: "time is against us". I am unsure if this is the actual reason for being unable to see the other person, but if it is, you can use this expression to state that the reason for not seeing each other is "time.
"unfortunate” は話し手にとって望まれていないものを表現するのに使われます。 この場合、話し手は相手ともっと時間をす一緒に過ごしたいが、事情がありそれができない状況です。 つぎに、 "time is against us"という表現を含んだ例文をご紹介します。 私にとってはこれが会えない本当の理由かどうかわかりませんが、もしそうなら、時間がないために会うことができない状況を説明しています。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to see you but unfortunately I can't right now.

  • I wish we could see each other more.

  • I'm sorry we can't see each other more.

These are ways to express that you really want to see your significant other but due to circumstances at this current moment, there are things that are preventing this from happening. So you let them know how you are feeling, but also regretfully let them know that it is not possible at this current time.
大切な人に「すごく会いたいけど今はそれができない」と伝えるフレーズです。 相手にあなたの気持ちと、残念ですが、今は会えないということを伝えます。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • Our time together is precious

  • Our time together is limited

  • We should cherish every moment together!

It depends really how romantic you want to be when saying this. "Our time together is precious" means that you value the time together (but that there is not a lot of it). "Our time together is limited simply means there is not much time - but you do not express any emotion about this fact. "We should cherish every moment together!" Here you state that every moment together should be enjoyed and savoured.
どれだけロマンティックに言いたいかによりますね。 "Our time together is precious" 一緒にいる時間を大切にしている、という意味です。 "Our time together is limited, こはシンプルに時間がないことを表し、自分の感情は抑えています。 "We should cherish every moment together!" 一緒にいる時間を満喫すべきだということを表現しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I miss you so much.

  • We want to meet, but we can't.

おっしゃられている状況で一番よく使う決まり文句は I miss you so much. 「あなたに会えなくてすごく寂しい」 だと思います。 あとは、おっしゃっている日本文をそのまま英語に直訳すると、 We want to meet, but we can't. 「私たちは会いたいが会えない」 のようになります。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I'm sorry we can't see more of each other, I have been extremely busy these past few days

  • I wish I were able to see you later because I miss you

We are sometimes too busy with our work or studying to be able to see our boyfriend or girlfriend. It is hard, especially if we don't live together. We want to tell them that we are thinking of them and miss them all the time. These two sentences are very useful for telling our significant others the reason that we can't see them, that we are always thinking of them and we miss their company
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could see you more.

  • I wish we could spend more time with each other.

  • I miss you, this time apart is killing me. I want to be with you more often.

I wish I could see you more. I wish we could spend more time with each other. I miss you, this time apart is killing me. I want to be with you more often. When you want to express to your significant other that you wish you could spend more time with them, see them more often, you can use one of these three sentences. Pick one, use it, pick another, see how it works out for you. And, good luck with it all. I hope you get want you wish for, and get to spend more time together. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I wish we could see more of each other, but my studies are making it impossible right now.

  • I am longing to be with you, but my work is keeping me very busy.

1. I wish we could see more of each other, but my studies are making it impossible right now. This means that you are missing your partner, but you have to concentrate on your studies right now if you want to make a success of it. The phrase, "my studies are making it impossible" means that it is because of your studies and for no other reason that you are not getting together and that you have to make this sacrifice if you want to succeed. 2. I am longing to be with you, but my work is keeping me very busy. If you long for someone then it means that you are missing them. If your work is keeping you busy then it means that you are working long hours which do not allow much time for leisure activities.
Shams DMM英会話講師
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