I have a dull pain in the place where I had the wisdom tooth extracted.
I have a dull pain at the place where I got the wisdom tooth pulled out.
I have a dull pain on the place where I had the wisdom tooth pulled out.
鈍痛みがある have a dull pain
親知らず a wisdom tooth
have a wisdom tooth pulled out (extracted)
場所を示す前置詞は、in, at, onが考えられます。
There's a dull pain where my wisdom teeth were taken out.
「親知らずの抜歯をした場所に鈍痛がある」は英語で「There's a dull pain where my wisdom teeth were taken out.」と言います。「親知らず」は英語で「wisdom teeth」と言います。
There's a dull pain where my wisdom teeth were taken out and blood is stil coming out.