"That's probably going to make mum angry so it might be best to stop."
- "That's probably going to make mum angry so it might be best to stop."
"that's probably going to make mum angry" 「母に怒られる可能性ある」
"probably" 「おそらく」
"make mum angry" 「母を怒らせる」
"it might be best to stop" 「やめといた方がいいかも」
"it might be ~" 「〜かも」
「〜の可能性ある」"it is possible that ~"
"It is possible that mum will get angry at you so maybe you shouldn't" 「母に怒られる可能性あるからやめといた方がいいかも」
"maybe you shouldn't”「やめといた方がいいかも」
You shouldn't do that since your mom might get mad at you.
「母に怒られる可能性あるからやめといた方がいいかも」は英語で「You shouldn't do that since your mom might get mad at you.」と言います。「~の可能性ある」というのは英語で「might」や「there is a possibility that ~」と言います。
It might go really well, but there's a possibility that we could fail and everyone's money could go to waste.