Underlying health conditions may worsen after getting the coronavirus vaccine.
コロナのワクチンを打つことで持病が悪化する可能性もある - Underlying health conditions may worsen after getting the coronavirus vaccine.
コロナのワクチンを打つことで持病が悪化する可能性もあるので、もう少し世界的にデータが集まるまで様子を見ようかと思う- Underlying health conditions may worsen after getting the coronavirus vaccine, so I'm going to wait until there's more data available.
~I'm thinking of waiting until there's more information available もしくは I'm thinking of waiting until more studies have been done on it. もいいと思います
悪化する - to worsen 、to get worse
until more studies have been done - 研究がもう少し進んだら