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2016/08/07 22:24
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  • Fireworks are one of Japan's summer features.

Fireworks are one of Japan's summer features. 花火は日本の夏の風物詩の一つです。 「[夏](の[風物詩](」ですが、 「summer feature」 と表現できます。 補足ですが、 「日本の大規模な花火大会は、人気のある夏の風物詩の一つでもあります。」 と言いたい時に、こんな言い方もあります。 「Large firework displays are one of the popular summer features in Japan.」 ご参考にされて下さい☆
  • Fireworks display is one of the highlights of the summer in Japan.

Fireworks display is one of the highlights of the summer in Japan. [風物詩](は"feature"と表現することもできますが、 夏の目玉、催しものなどのもっとも大事な部分という意味で ”highlights”をご紹介しました。 日本の夏といえば目玉は「[花火](」というようなニュアンスですね! 私もゆっくり日本の花火を観たいです!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • 1. Fireworks are a summer characteristic of Japan

  • 2. Fireworks are interwoven with summer culture in Japan

  • 3. Fireworks are an intrinsic part of summer life in Japan.

1. Characteristic = typical of a particular person, place, or thing. "He began with a characteristic attack on extremism." 2. Interwoven = blend closely. "Wordsworth's political ideas are often interwoven with his philosophical and religious beliefs" 3. Intrinsic = belonging naturally; essential. "Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life."
1. Characteristic =その人、場所、物事の代表的な部分 "He began with a characteristic attack on extremism.":彼は過激主義の性質についての批判から始めた。 2. Interwoven = 混ぜ合わさった "Wordsworth's political ideas are often interwoven with his philosophical and religious beliefs" ワーズワースの政治的なアイディアは、よく哲学や宗教理念が絡み合っている。 3. Intrinsic = 自然にもっている、必要不可欠だ "Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life." 芸術は、人生の質には必要不可欠だ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Fireworks are a summer tradition in Japan!

"Summer tradition" means that the fireworks are a part of Japan, it gets done every year, it is one the things that makes Japan special.
" ""summer tradition"" ここでは日本の花火大会、これが毎年夏の時期に日本で開催されていて、日本が持つ文化であり、しかもそれが日本という国を他の国とは違う特別な場所にしている、という意味で使っています。 "
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • It's tradition to set off fireworks during the summer in Japan

  • It's customary to hold firework displays during Japanese summers

  • We often see firework displays in summer in Japan as its tradition to set them off then

Set off' fireworks, can be used to describe seeing fireworks as well as the act of lighting a firework. A firework display, is to see more than two fireworks in the sky. "Look at the sky! Someone set off fireworks!" "Let's watch them set off fireworks" "I'm going to set off the firework now" "What a beautiful firework display!" 'Customary' and 'tradition' are words used to describe practices associated with particular societies or communities, often that have been practiced for many years and the information passed from generation to generation. For example: "Traditionally, we eat fish on Friday in the UK" "It is customary in our family to eat together" "Traditionally, firework displays are common in the summer in Japan"
Set off' fireworksというフレーズは、花火を打ち上げるという意味と、花火を見るという意味があります A firework displayとは、空に二つ以上の花火が見えるという意味です。   "Look at the sky! Someone set off fireworks!" 空を見て!誰かが花火を打ち上げたよ! "Let's watch them set off fireworks" 花火があがるのを見よう。 "I'm going to set off the firework now" 花火を見に出かけるよ。 "What a beautiful firework display!" なんてきれいな花火! 'Customary' と 'tradition' とは、ある社会やコミュニティーに関連した慣習のことで、何年にも渡って、世代から世代に受け継がれているものを意味します。 例:  "Traditionally, we eat fish on Friday in the UK" 伝統的に、イギリスでは金曜日に魚を食べます。 "It is customary in our family to eat together" 一緒に食事をするのは、私たち家族の習慣です。 "Traditionally, firework displays are common in the summer in Japan" 伝統的に、日本では花火は夏にするのが一般的です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • fireworks are traditional in the summer in Japan

  • During the summer Japan have fireworks displays as part of their tradition

  • Our fireworks are in the summer, this is part of our tradition

Letting someone know that fireworks take place in Japan in the summer as part of a traditional celebration can simply be put in any of the ways above. Tradition is the word for something that is done as a custom year after year or generation to generation. hope this helps Teacher Jemxii
伝統的なお祝いの一部として 夏に日本では花火が打ち上げられるということを 誰かに知らせることは、上記の方法でシンプルに説明できます。 “tradition” (伝統)とは、 何年も何世代にも続いている慣習として何かされることを表す言葉です。 役に立ちますように Jemxii先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • It is a part of Japanese culture to set off fireworks during the summer.

  • In the summer, it is customary to see fireworks in Japan.

  • Traditionally, during the summer, fireworks are displayed throughout Japan.

In the first sentence suggestion, you can simply state that setting off fireworks or watching a display is a custom or tradition in the summer. If you would like to be more general when speaking about the customs and traditions within Japan, you may use the second sentence suggestion. The third suggestion is a more formal way of explaining Japanese summer traditions.
最初の文では、花火をあげたり、見たりするのは夏の慣習・伝統であるとシンプルに言うことができます。 もし、日本の中で慣習や伝統について話すときより一般的に言いたければ、 2番目の提案の文を使うことができます。 3番目の提案の文は日本の夏の伝統について説明するよりフォーマルな言い方です。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Fireworks are an iconic feature in Japan during summer.

  • During summer fireworks are an iconic feature in Japan.

When you want to explain the importance of fireworks in Japan, you can use one of these sentences to help you out. For example. Why are there so many fireworks? Well, during summer fireworks are an iconic feature in Japan. Oh okay. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • it's Traditional to have fireworks displays in the summer here

  • We have a tradition of setting off fireworks in the summer.

example "We have a cultural tradition of fireworks displays in the summer" or "It's traditional to have firework displays in the summer" or "We have a tradition of setting off fireworks during the summer evenings"
"We have a cultural tradition of fireworks displays in the summer" 夏には、伝統的な花火大会があります。   "It's traditional to have firework displays in the summer"  夏に花火大会があるのは、伝統です。 "We have a tradition of setting off fireworks during the summer evenings" 夏の夜には伝統的な花火大会があります。
Homa DMM英会話講師
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