世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/08 19:12
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  • Don't pretend to eat. EAT it!

  • I know you are pretending to eat.

ふりをする: pretend という動詞を使ってみましょう。pretend のあとはto doと繋げることができるので、 Don't pretend to eat. (食べるふりをするのはやめて) となります。EatをEATとすれば、"本当に食べてね!"と強調させることが出来ます。 またbe doingの形を使えば、文句を言っているニュアンスを表すことが出きるので、 I know you are pretending to eat. (食べているふりをしてるの知ってるんだからね) と釘を刺せます。 ダイレクトな英訳で挙げられなかったのですが、参考になれば嬉しいです! 子育て、頑張ってください♪ KO
KO NZ在住大学院生•翻訳者•英語学習サポーター
  • 1. Eat it up, don't play with it!

  • 2. Stop messing around with your food!

  • 3. If you don't eat it, there's nothing else today!

1. Here you are strictly instructing your child to eat and not play with food. 2. To mess around = not to be serious about something. 3. This conditional sentence is a threat that no more food will be served until the child eats up.
1.ここでは、厳しく子供に食べ物を食べさせ、食べ物で遊ばないよう指示しています。 2.To mess around =集中しない、真剣にならない。 3.この条件文は、その子が食べるまで何もあげないぞ、という脅し文句です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Stop playing with your food!

  • I can see that you are not swallowing.

"Stop playing with your food!" This is a reprimand to show him that you are not pleased with what he is doing. "I can see that you are not swallowing." This is what you can say to show him that you are not fooled by his pretending.
"Stop playing with your food!" ①食べ物で遊ぶのを止めなさい!これは、お子さんがしていることをあなたがよく思っていないことを伝えるための叱責です。 "I can see that you are not swallowing." ②(食べ物)を飲み込んでいないのはわかっているのよ(まだ食べ物が口の中にあることを知っている)」これは、お子さんが食べた振りをしていることはお見通し、と言いたいときに使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please stop playing with your food.

  • B) I know you're not really eating come on eat up!

A) Please stop playing with your food. *Playing with your food - to not be really eating just messing around. B) I know you're not really eating come on eat up! *You're - you are *eat up - finish your food I hope this helps :-)
A) Please stop playing with your food.食べ物で遊ぶのはやめてね。 *Playing with your food - ちゃんと食べずにぐちゃぐちゃにしているだけ B) I know you're not really eating come on eat up!ちゃんと食べてないのをママは知ってるよ。全部食べちゃいなさい! *You're - you areの省略形 *eat up - finish your food 食べ終わる、たいらげる 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I want you to eat your food, not pretend to eat your food.

  • Don't play with your food, eat it.

Some people like to talk to their young children using adult language so that their children will be more fluent. 1. I want you to eat your food, not pretend to eat your food. 2. Don't play with your food, eat it. Both of these sentences are using adult language to speak to the child even though he is only one-year old.
親によって、言葉の勉強になるよう幼い子どもに対しても大人の言葉遣いをする人もいます。 1. I want you to eat your food, not pretend to eat your food.(食べたふりじゃなくて、本当に食べて) 2. Don't play with your food, eat it.(食べ物で遊ばないで。食べて) お子さんはまだ一歳ということですが、これらの文はどちらも大人の言葉を使っています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Stop pretending to eat your food, you need to actually eat it.

  • You have to physically eat your food and not pretend to.

This is a way of telling a child that if they pretend to eat their food they are not actually eating so they must physically eat the food so that they can get full.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Stop playing around with your food.

  • Dont play with your food.

  • Stop messing with your food.

These phrases are very similar in that they have a negation, a verb towards the food. The negation can be changed into some shown below: "I would prefer that...." - This is a polite way for asking for something that you would want. "I'd rather that" - This is like the phrase above. "Stop..." - This will tell a person to immediately halt in whatever they are doing. "Do not" - This is another way of saying stop. Verb: "Playing" -Often when children are not hungry they are playing with their food therefore in English we would often ask that they stop playing with the food that they have been given. "Messing" - This is another word that we would use instead of playing.
これらのフレーズはよく似ています。どれも否定の表現を使っていて、また、食べ物が動詞の目的語になっています。 否定の表現を次のように改めることもできます。 "I would prefer that...." - これは、人に要望を伝えるときの丁寧な言い方です。 "I'd rather that" - これは上のフレーズと似ています。 "Stop..." - これは、相手のしていることについて「すぐにやめなさい」と伝えます。 "Do not" - これは "Stop" の別の言い方です。 動詞: "Playing" - 子どもはお腹がすいていないと、食べ物で遊ぶことがあります。なので、英語ではよく子どもに「食べ物で遊んではダメだ」と伝えます。 "Messing" - "Playing"(遊ぶ)の代わりにこの単語も使われます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Eat your food!

  • Don't play with your food, eat it

"Eat your food!" Is a blunt and widely used phrase, almost demanding that you must eat your food! used in a context when someone has to or should eat their food. "Don't play with your food, eat it" Used often when children 'play' with their food, to 'play' with their food is describing not eating their food but to move it around the plate.
"Eat your food!"(ちゃんと食べなさい) は、単刀直入な言い方です、よく使われます。これは命令に近いです。「ちゃんと食べなさい」という意味です。 "Don't play with your food, eat it"(食べ物で遊ばない、ちゃんと食べなさい) は、子どもが食べ物で遊んでいるときに使われます。'play with your food' は、食べ物を食べずにお皿の上で動かして遊ぶことをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Don't just pretend to eat it.

Don't just pretend to eat it. 食べたふりだけじゃなくて(ちゃんと食べて) pretend は「ふりをする」という意味の英語表現です。 なので、pretend to eat で「食べるふりをする」となります。 例: You don't have to pretend to like it. 美味しいふりをしなくてもいいんだよ。
  • Don't just pretend to eat your food, OK?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Don't just pretend to eat your food, OK? 食べるふりだけしないでね、わかった? pretend to eat で「食べるふりをする」と言えます。 pretend to ... が「〜ふりをする」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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