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2016/08/13 17:50
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  • I have a cold sweat.

  • I feel clammy because of the air conditioner.

Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I was sweating outside, but now I'm cold because the air conditioner is on too strong.

  • It's even colder because the air conditioning is too strong and it has cooled the sweat.

  • I'm feeling cold because the air conditioning is blasting and it has cooled the sweat.

英訳1:状況の流れを表し、現状をうまく伝えらるれる例文です。「外で汗をかいてしまったけど、今はエアコンがききすぎて寒い」という表現です。 英訳2:be even colder「むしろ(それどころか)寒い」を使うと、(外が暑かった中に入って涼しかったけど、涼しいを通り越して)冷えすぎだということが伝わります。 英訳3:blast は「爆破する」という意味に使うほど、「強く吹く」状態を表す動詞です。エアコンから強い冷風が吹いているのがわかります。 その他の例文: - The air conditioning has cooled the sweat, and now I'm feeling cold. - I'm freezing because the strong air conditioning has cooled my sweat.
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • It's hot outside and made me sweat but, on the other hand, inside, because of the AC, it feels really cold.

  • The difference between sweaty hot outside and really cold inside is remarkable! These AC sytems really work!

"..on the other hand..' We use this construction when contrasting the differences between two things. "John's got great football skills, but on the other hand, he's a bad team player." " really remarkable.." We use this expression when we want to state that something is noteworthy or perhaps, impressive in some way. "Wow, the height of the Eiffel Tower is really remarkable if you actually go up there."
"..on the other hand..' この文体は、ふたつの物事を対照的に比べる時に使います。 例:"John's got great football skills, but on the other hand, he's a bad team player." ジョンは素晴らしいスキルを持っているが、一方でチームワークが良くない。 " really remarkable.." この表現は、特筆すべき、印象的な事柄をあげるときに使います。 例:"Wow, the height of the Eiffel Tower is really remarkable if you actually go up there." のぼったときのエッフェル塔の高さは本当に特筆するに値するよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! What radical temperature change that was.! From fire to ice.

  • From sweating to freezing.

  • What an unpleasant shift in temperatures. Felt like jumping out of a fire into the Antartic ocean

There are many expressions for this situation. Radical shift in temperature would be one of the more civilized expressions.
この状況を表す表現はいろいろあります。 radical shift in temperatureは教養がある雰囲気の表現のひとつです。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • I was sweating outside but now i'm cold with the A/C

  • Cold sweat

When you go from one temperature to another you can get what you call a 'cold sweat' which means you feel cooler/cold but are still sweating To describe exactly what you mean you would say 'I was sweating outside but now i'm cold with the A/C' A/C or aircon is an abbreviation of 'air conditioner/air conditioning'
温度差があるときに”Cold sweat"(冷や汗)をかくことがあります。 具体的に説明する場合、”I was sweating outside, but now I'm cold with the A/C"(外で汗をかいていたけれど、エアコンが付いているから今は寒い)と言い表します。A/C➔Air Conditioner/Air Conditioningの略。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was sweating bullets when I was outside, but I started freezing once I came inside because of the AC.

  • I was sweating a lot when I was outside, but once I came indoors I was cold because of the AC.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you were sweating outside from the heat but when you came inside you got really cold because of the AC. In the first sentence you will see the term sweating bullets. That means to sweat a lot. This term is appropriate for informal settings.
上記どちらの例を使っても、外にいるときは暑くて汗をかいたけど、中に入ったらエアコンですごく寒くなったと伝えることができます。 一つ目の例では'sweating bullets'という表現が使われています。これは「汗びっしょりになる」という意味です。この表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • When I was outside in the heat, I was sweating but now that I'm inside where there is an air conditioner I am cold

  • The heat outside made me sweat and the AC inside made me cold.

When you want to explain that you were sweating outside because of the heat but went indoors and got cold because of the air conditioner (AC); then you may explain it in the following ways: -When I was outside in the heat, I was sweating but now that I'm inside where there is an air conditioner I am cold -The heat outside made me sweat and the AC inside made me cold.
外にいるときは暑くて汗をかいたけど屋内に入ったらエアコンで寒くなったと伝える言い方です: -When I was outside in the heat, I was sweating but now that I'm inside where there is an air conditioner I am cold (外にいるときは暑くて汗をかいたけど、今はエアコンのある部屋にいるので寒いです) -The heat outside made me sweat and the AC inside made me cold. (外にいるときは暑くて汗をかいて、中にいるときはエアコンで寒くなりました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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