世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/01 11:20
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  • What are well-known products?

  • What is the specialty in your country?

well-known products や special products、またspecialtyで特産品、名産品などという表現ができますよ!
  • What is nationally well-known in your country?

  • What is your country famous for?

This is a wide-reaching question and may well be met with a blank expression. It's like saying, 'What happens on Planet Earth?' It's a question that could take a long time to answer because of its non-specificity. It may be more helpful to narrow down the range of the question a little to: people, places or things.
かなり広範囲に及ぶ問題であり、空白だけで満たされる可能性があります。それは、「What happens on Planet Earth?:地球で何が起こっているの?」と尋ねることと同じで、特になんの名産もないがために答えるのに時間がかかるかもしれない質問です。質問の範囲を人、場所、物などに少し絞ることがより効果的だと思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What foods and items are famous in your country?

  • What is your country's specialty?

specialty:名産品 What is your country’s ~? あなたの国の~は何ですか? What is your country's specialty? あなたの国の名産品は何ですか または What foods and items are famous in your country? あなたの国の有名な食べ物や物はなんですか? という言い方でもいいと思います。 (補足) foods and items:食べ物や品物 famous:有名な
  • What is your countries specialty?

  • What is your country known for?

'Known for' means associated with.
Known forは「~に関係して」ということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • famous for?

  • Scotland is famous for bad weather,Golf and Whiskey

When a country is closely associated with a specific product or activity ... We might well ask: " What is your country famous for?" or ..."What is your country especially well known for?" "What is unique about your country of origin"?
ある国がなんらかの特産品やアクティビティなどに強い関わりがあると、 " What is your country famous for?" あなたの国は、何が有名なの? "What is your country especially well known for?" あなたの国は特に何がよく知られているの? "What is unique about your country of origin"? あなたの国、特有のものって何? などと聞くことができます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What is unique to your country.

Something thing that is unique to a country is without a doubt famous too.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • What is your country well known for?

  • What is your country's specialty?

1.What is your country well known for? - well known for means famous for. 2.What is your country's specialty? - This means you want to know what the products resembles that country. For example Brazil is well known for havainas.
1.What is your country well known for? well known for はfamous forと一緒です。 2.What is your country's specialty? これは、その国の代表的なものは何かを尋ねる表現です。 例 Brazil is well known for havainas. (ブラジルはハワイアナスのサンダルで知られている。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) What is your country famous for?

  • B) What is your country well-known for?

A) What is your country famous for? *Country-a territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration. Example-"one of the most attractive towns in the county" *Famous -known about by many people. Example-"a famous star" B) What is your country well-known for? *well-known-widely or generally known. Example-"a well-known television personality" I hope this helps :-)
A) What is your country famous for? *Country-国 例:"one of the most attractive towns in the county" この国でもっとも美しい街の一つです。 *Famous -たくさんの人に知られている. 例:"a famous star" 有名なスター B) What is your country well-known for? *well-known-良く知られている、一般的に知られている. 例-"a well-known television personality" 有名なテレビ司会者 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What is your country known for?

  • What is your country famous for?

If you would like to ask someone what their country's specialty is, you can say something like "What is your country known for?" Most of the time a country is known for something whether it is food, sightseeing spots, beaches or otherwise. So by asking someone what their country is famous for, they will be able to tell you what is most popular in their country.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What are well known items from your country?

  • What is your country known for?

Here are some examples of these questions being used in context: What are well known items from your country? In New Zealand our famous items include: kiwifruit, pies and L & P. What is your country known for? New Zealand is known for The All Blacks and The Lord of the Rings.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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