・I sent it to A but I'll also send it to B.
(例文)I send it to you but I'll also send it to John.
・I received the video. I also sent it to A.
(例文)I received the video. Thank you! I also sent it to A.
"I've already sent this to A, but I'll send it to you too."
"これAに送ったんだけど、一応Bにも送っておくね"は、"I've already sent this to A, but I'll send it to you too."と言えます。"I've already sent this to A"は「これをすでにAに送った」という意味です。そして、"but I'll send it to you too"は「君にも送っておくね」という意味になります。
また、"この動画できたよ!あとAにも送っておいたよ"は、"This video is done! And I’ve also sent it to A."と表現できます。"This video is done!"で「この動画が完成したよ!」という意味を伝えつつ、"I’ve also sent it to A"で「Aにも送っておいたよ」と付け加えます。