"Gender neutral names are ok but the child might have a hard time."
- "Gender neutral names are good but the child might have a hard time."
"gender neutral" 「中世的」
"names” 「名前」
"~ are ok but" 「〜もいいけど」
"the child" 「子供が」
"might ~" 「〜かも」
"have a hard time" 「嫌な思いする」
- 「中性的な名前もいいけど、性別を間違われて子供が嫌な思いするかもしれないから、つけないほうがいいかな」
"Using a gender neutral name is ok but the child might have a hard time if their gender gets mistaken, so it might be best not ."
"their gender gets mistaken" 「性別が間違われて」
"so might be best not to" 「つけない方がいいかな」
I think gender neutral names are good but I don't want my kid to have a difficult time because of it.
・I think gender neutral names are good but I don't want my kid to have a difficult time because of it.
・gender neutral names
(例文)Gender neutral names are popular these days.