世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/21 17:38
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  • I can’t afford it now. So could you please postpone the due date?

  • I’m tight on money this month. So could you wait for a couple more weeks?

  • I have no financial leeway right now. So do you think you can put off the due until next week?

I can’t afford it now. So could you please postpone the due date? (今は支払える[余裕がない](ので、[期限](を[延期して](頂けませんか。) I’m tight on money this month. So could you wait for a couple more weeks? (今月はお金に余裕がないので、もう数週間待って頂けませんか。) I have no financial leeway right now. So do you think you can put off the due until next week? (今金銭的に余裕ないので、支払いの期限を来週まで延ばしてもらえませんか。) というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ この他にもこういった表現もあります↓ There is no room in my budget. (予算に余裕はない。) I don’t have money for that. (それに出費できるお金がない。) I have no money to spare. (出費できるお金のゆとりがない。) I don’t have enough money to pay rent for this month. (今月の家賃を支払うのに十分なお金がない。) また、"I would truly appreciate it if you could ... (…して頂けると大変 有難い です/心から感謝します。)" に置き換えると、 もっと丁寧な表現になります↓ I have no financial leeway right now. So I would truly appreciate it if you could put off the due until next week. (今金銭的に余裕ないので、支払いの期限を来週まで延ばし頂けると大変有難いです。) afford = (金銭的に) ~する余裕がある postpone = 延期する tight on ~ = ~にゆとりがない a couple of more ~ = もう~/更に~ financial = 金銭的/財務的 leeway = ゆとり/余裕 put off ~ = 延期する budget = 予算 spare = 割く/費やす 以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • I am broke. I don't think I have enough money to pay for it.

Brokeという単語を直訳すると、「[壊れる](」などになりますが、お金がないときに、 I'm broke.[[金欠](です]という表現として使うことができます。 今回はなるべく簡単な文章にするため、 I don't think I have enough money[私に十分なお金があるとは思わない] という表現にして、なるべく自然な英語にしてみました。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • 1. I'm so sorry, my salary has been delayed. Could I pay you next week., please?

  • 2. Sorry, I'm a little short at the moment. Is it OK if I settle up with you next week?

  • 3. I'm strapped! How about next Friday? I'll pay you then!

1. This is the classic EXCUSE + ALTERNATIVE OFFER. 2. Here we have: APOLOGY + VERY POLITE OFFER within an INDIRECT QUESTION. 3. This is an informal scenario. I'm strapped = I have very little money How about...? = This begins a suggestion.
1.これは古典的な謝罪、説明→代案の提案 という流れです。 2.ここには次のものが含まれています:謝罪 +すごく丁寧な間接的な質問と提案。 3.これは非公式な例です。 I'm strapped=少しのお金しか持ってない。 How about...? =提案表現。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry I do not have enough money in my account. Can you wait when I get paid.

account means in your bank account
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Broke

こちらカジュアルな言い方になりますが日本語だと「金欠」つまり一時的にお金がない場合なおでに使います。 I'm broke this month 今月金欠なんだ カジュアルなのでビジネスには使えません!
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • I'm broke. I can't pay you yet.

  • It'll have to wait until I get my paycheck.

  • Can I pay you later?

I'm broke. - this means that you are out of money. A. Hey, I have a few more of those special Pokemon cards if you are interested in buying them now? B. What? Where? How? Give them to me! A. OK, ok, I'll give them to you for like $75 each. B. Umm, well there's only one problem. A. Which is...? B. I'm broke. Can I pay you later? A. I don't man, so many people have been hounding me for these. B. Well, it'll to wait until I get my paycheck. Hopefully, they aren't gone by then. A. OK, listen, I'll see what I can do. When do you get paid? B. In about a week? A. Ok, then I'll hold them for you til then. But if I don't get my money by then, they're gone! B. You have my word. A. OK, then same time next week? B. Absolutely! Yes! You're the best, dude. *high-fives*
I'm broke. (一文無しです) - これはあなたはお金がないという事です。 A. Hey, I have a few more of those special Pokemon cards if you are interested in buying them now?  (やあ、今買う気があるなら、もう少しスペシャルなポケモンカードがあるよ?) B. What? Where? How? Give them to me!  (なに?どこ?どうやって?僕にちょうだい) A. OK, ok, I'll give them to you for like $75 each.  (わかったよ。じゃあ、1枚75ドルで売ってあげるよ) B. Umm, well there's only one problem.  (う~ん、ちょっと問題がある) A. Which is...?  (どんな?) B. I'm broke. Can I pay you later?  (お金がない。後で払ってもいい?) A. I don't man, so many people have been hounding me for these.  (だめ、そうやってみんな僕を困らせてるんだよ) B. Well, it'll to wait until I get my paycheck. Hopefully, they aren't gone by then.  (じゃあ、給料日まで待つよ。それまでに全部なくならないといいんだけど) A. OK, listen, I'll see what I can do. When do you get paid?  (こうしよう、出来るまで待ってみるよ。いつ給料もらえるの?) B. In about a week?  (一週間後くらい) A. Ok, then I'll hold them for you til then. But if I don't get my money by then, they're gone!  (わかった、それまで取っておくよ。でもお金払わなかったらそれでおしまいだからね) B. You have my word.  (約束するよ) A. OK, then same time next week?  (じゃあ、来週の同じ時間に?) B. Absolutely! Yes! You're the best, dude.  (もちろん!うん、君って最高だよ!) *high-fives*(ハイタッチ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Time to pay....

  • I am sorry I am short of money right now, may I have a little time to pay you..?.

We may find our bills fall ahead of our ability to pay them ; this is usually just a timing issue...So in that event we may need to ask for some "time to pay" this outstanding debt. "I am sorry I am short of money right now. May I have a little time to pay you..?.
請求書が来たときに支払えないことがあるかもしれません。これはたいていタイミングの問題です。 支払いを待ってほしいときは、それは借金となるということです。 "I am sorry I am short of money right now. May I have a little time to pay you..? すみませんが、今お金が足りないので、少し支払いを待ってもらってもいいですか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay you end of the month when I get paid?

  • Can I make a payment arrangement because I don't have all the cash right now?

  • I am a little short, can I pay the balance next week?

Can I pay you end of the month when I get paid? - This is asking to make the payment when I have money and its also telling them that you do not have money now. Can I make a payment arrangement because I don't have all the cash right now? A payment arrangement is to agree on payment terms. Like over 2 months or within 30 days. I am a little short, can I pay the balance next week? - This telling them you do not have all the money but you will have money next week and then you will pay the rest.
私が支払った月の終わりにお金を払えますか? - これは私がお金を持っているときにお金を払うように求めていて、あなたに今お金がないことを伝えています。 私は今、すべての現金を持っていないので、支払い手配をすることはできますか? 支払手配は支払い条件に同意することです。 2ヶ月以上または30日以内   私は少し短いです、私は次の週にお金を払えますか? - これは、あなたがすべてのお金を持っていないが、あなたは来週にお金を持っていると言って、残りのお金を払うでしょう。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have the money right now. Can you accept the payment at a later time?

  • I can't afford to do that right now.

"I'm broke," can be a little bit forward and embarrassing to say. "I don't have money right now," or "I can't afford it," are still casual ways to say that you don't have any money. They are straight to the point but still hold a sense of dignity while saying it.
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • tight

  • Is it possible to postpone the payment for a few weeks since my money is tight right now?

tight=「(日程、お金などに)余裕がない」 money is tight=「お金に余裕がない」 it is possible to=「~することは可能でしょうか」 postpone=「延期する」 since~=「~なので」 Is it possible to postpone the payment for a few weeks since my money is tight right now? 「今お金に余裕がないので、支払いを2,3週間延ばしていただくことは可能でしょうか」 ご参考まで
Hiroshi Miura オンライン英会話講師
  • I don't have enough money.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「お金に余裕がない」は、 I don't have enough money. 「私は十分なお金を持っていない」 と表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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