世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/21 18:03
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  • I can't find the attached files, could you send me them again?

  • For some reason the files attached to the email didn't arrive, can you send them again?

  • I don't think the files attached for some reason, can you send them again?

A great way to explain the situation in a nice way.
I can't find the attached files, could you send me them again? [添付](書類が見当たりません、もう一度送ってもらえますか? For some reason the files attached to the email didn't arrive, can you send them again? なぜかメールの添付書類が届きませんでした、[もう一度送ってもらえますか?]( I don't think the files attached for some reason, can you send them again? なぜか書類が添付されていないようです、もう一度送ってもらえますか? 状況を丁寧に説明するのに良い言い方です。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Kindly note that your email has no attachments.

  • Please resend and attach the files in question.

Always politely draw the sender's attention to the fact that there are no attachments and that they should resend an email with the files attached.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, I would like to bring to your attention that the attachment was not included in your previous email. Can you kindly send the attachment.

  • Hi, the attachment was not included in your email. Can you please try again to attach it and resend the email.

>Hi, I would like to bring to your attention that the attachment was not included in your previous email. Can you kindly send the attachment. >Hi, the attachment was not included in your email. Can you please try again to attach it and resend the email. The above are good to use and very clear. More simple way are: > The attachment is missing, can you please send it. > I can see the attachment on the email. Can you kindly attach it and resend.
>Hi, I would like to bring to your attention that the attachment was not included in your previous email. Can you kindly send the attachment. こんにちは、前のメールに添付書類が付いていませんでした。送っていただけますか。 >Hi, the attachment was not included in your email. Can you please try again to attach it and resend the email. こんにちは、あなたのメールに添付書類が含まれていませんでした。もう一度添付して送ってみてもらえますか。 上記の文は使いやすくてわかりやすいです。 より簡単な例は以下のようになります。: > The attachment is missing, can you please send it.添付書類がないです、送ってください。 > I can't see the attachment on the email. Can you kindly attach it and resend. 添付書類が見当たりません。添付して再送してください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Attached file

  • Attached document

添付ファイル Attached file 添付書類 Attached document なので I couldn't find the attached document 見つけられませんでした 逆に 「添付された書類をご覧ください」の場合は Please find the attached document
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • I can't find (see) any attachments.

  • I am afraid that you did not attach the file.

  • There is no attached file.

1. 添付資料が見当たりません。 2. 添付し忘れていらっしゃるようですが。 3.添付資料がありません。
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • There is no attachment

  • I can't see an attachment

  • The attachment did not arrive

An attachment can be anything, document, photograph, video etc.. sent with an email. Sometimes people forget to attach the file before sending the email. You can say any of the above phrases to let the sender know you have not received the attachment, Hope this helps Jane :)
attachment は書類や、写真、動画など、メールについてくるものならなんでもいいです。 メールを送る前に添付をすることを忘れてしまう時もありますね。 上記のフレーズは添付書類を受け取っていないことを伝える為に使えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I received the email but there was no attachment.

  • My inbox is not showing any attachment with that email.

  • I just double checked and there is no attachment.

To double check = to check twice. Double-checking is confirming once again to yourself what you have already checked before. In other words, you believe the sender failed to attach or properly make the attachment to the email.
To double check =再確認すること。 Double-checking とは、もう一度自分自身で確認したことを確認することで、言い換えれば、この場合は添付ファイルがこちらには見たらない確認してくれ、ということを伝えることになりますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The attachments are missing from the email.

  • The email is missing the attached file(s)

  • Please send the email again, I can't see the attached files.

Either one of these statements can be used.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There are no files attached. Please may you resend the files?

There are no files attached. Please may you resend the files?' Explains that the email had nothing attached to it and that you would like the files to be resent.
There are no files attached. Please may you resend the files?' ファイルが添付されていません。もう一度送ってください。 これは、メールに何も添付されておらず、もう一度送り直してほしいことを伝える文です。
Hannah E DMM英会話講師
  • Attachments are missing!

  • I am unable to refer to "enclosed documents", since the attachments are missing!

Technology is our friend...until it isn't ;-) in a digital world we may imagine... "nothing can go wrong" ...Sadly all things are "fallible" and capable of going awry! We may well realise attachments are mssing when we need them most! In this case: "I am unable to refer to "enclosed documents", since the attachments are missing!"
テクノロジーは、そうではなくなるまで私たちの友達です。デジタルの世界では「おかしいことにならない」と想像しがちですが。 悲しいことに、全てのものは誤りを犯し、予定通りにはいかないのです。必要だった添付ファイルが見当たらないこともあるかもしれません。  "I am unable to refer to "enclosed documents", since the attachments are missing!" 添付書類がみあたらないので、みることができません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I don't see any attached files.

  • I don't think the files were attached.

  • I can't find any attached files.

We can say that we don't, "see any attached files," or that we can't, "find," them. We can also express that we think, "the files were not attached," to mean the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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