"The bullet holes on the buildings left a strong impression."
"It was very chilling seeing the bullet holes on the buildings."
"The bullet holes on the buildings were quite graphic."
- "The bullet holes on the buildings left a strong impression."
"the bullet holes" 「弾痕」
"~ on the buildings" 「建物の〜」
"left a strong impression" 「重い印象を残った」・「生々しかった」
- "It was very chilling seeing the bullet holes on the buildings."
"it was very chilling ~" 「〜のは鬼哭啾々」「〜のは生々しかった」
"seeing the ~" 「〜を見ていて」
"bullet holes on the buildings" 「建物の弾痕」
- "The bullet holes on the buildings were quite graphic."
"~were quite graphic" 「〜けっこう生々しかった」
「弾痕」はbullet holeと言います(*^_^*)
The bullet holes on the walls were so graphic.