How many floors does your office building have and what floor are you on?
「階」はfloorと言います。他の言い方はstoryです。例:「二階建て」=two-story building
例文:What floor is your office and how many stories is the building?
How many floors are there in your office building, and what floor is your office on?
What floor is your office located on, and how many stories is the building?
ーHow many floors are there in your office building, and what floor is your office on?
How many floors are there ...? で「何階建てですか?」と聞けます。
what floor is ... on? で「…は何回にありますか?」と聞けます。
ーWhat floor is your office located on, and how many stories is the building?
What floor is ... located on? で「…は何階に位置していますか?」
how many stories is ...? で「…は何階建てですか?」と聞けます。