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2016/08/23 15:06
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  • 1) Sorry, I didn't mean to go on so long.

  • 2) Sorry, I am ranting on.

1) Sorry, I didn't mean to go on so long. 2) Sorry, I am ranting on. 1)は「こんなに長くなるつもりはなかったのですが、[ごめんなさい](」という意味で、思わず長文になってしまったときによく言われる表現です。 go on so long = [ずっと](長く続ける 2)は、「ごちゃごちゃと書いてしまってごめんね」というような意味でしょうか。思いや考えを一方的に書き過ぎたときなどに言う人が多いです。 rant on = ごちゃごちゃと長く続ける
  • Sorry for writing such a long message.

  • Sorry that my message is long.

  • Sorry for ranting.

まずは、「[ごめんなさい](」の部分です。 「ごめんなさい」は「ごめん」より丁寧な言い方なので、 「I'm sorry」または「I apologize」と言います。「I apologize」の方は丁寧です。 もし「ごめん」または「ごめんね」というと、 Sorryだけでいいです。 〜てごめん(なさい) 〜して+ごめん(なさい)というとき、英語でSorry for 〜またはSorry that 〜になります。 I'm sorry for being late. I'm sorry that I was late. I'm sorry for making a mistake. I'm sorry that I made a mistake. ポイント: 「for + 名詞(またはing動詞)」 「that + 文章」 forの方が言いやすいと思うのでおすすめします。 この場合は Sorry for writing such a long message. Sorry that my message is long. 3つ目のフレーズは直訳ではないのですが、よく使います。 to rantとは同じトピックを回って繰り返して文句を言って、もしくは情熱的に話し続けるということです。 オンラインで長い文章を書くときよく使います。 Sorry for ranting. よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! アーサーより
  • Sorry for the novel!

  • Sorry for rambling.

Saying "sorry for the novel" is a lighthearted apology for a lengthy written response.
"sorry for the novel"ということは長く続く返信について気楽に謝ることです。
Bree A DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry about the long message.

  • My apologies for the long essay.

▪ Sorry about the long message. This is apologizing for sending a long message that is causing your friend to read long. ▪ My apologies for the long essay. A essay is a piece of writing or and article. Refer to the message as an essay is saying indirectly that the message is long and therefor you are saying sorry.
"Sorry about the long message." (長文になってしまいごめんなさい。) あなたの友人に長い時間読ませてしまう文章を送ってしまったことを謝る意味があります。 "My apologies for the long essay." (長い文章を読ませてしまい、ごめんなさい。) "A essay"は書物や記事のことを意味します。 メッセージを"an essay"と示すことはメッセージが長いので、それゆえ謝罪するということを間接的に表します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I've gone on a bit there!

  • Sorry for the long essay!

To 'go on a bit' is to talk too much. It can also be used to refer to writing too much, but it isn't used to describe formal documents such as reports or essays. It can be used for emails, texts and other informal writing. To say the text is like a 'long essay' doesn't mean that your text is as long as an essay or formal or important like an essay, it simply means that it long in it's length of words and so is somehow similar.
go on a bit' は話しすぎを意味します。書きすぎた場合にもまた使われますが、報告書や小論文のような公式な文章の場合は使われません。 Eメールや携帯のテキストメッセージや非公式な書き物の場合に使われます。 テキストメッセージが 'long essay'(長い小論文)のようだと言うとあなたのテキストメッセージが、エッセイと同じくらい長いか、エッセイのように正式でも重要なものでもあるという意味ではありません。ただそれは、文章が長く、小論文のようだということを意味します。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • sorry for my long reply

  • I apologise for the length of the message

example "Sorry for the long response" or "I am sorry for the length of this reply" or "Sorry for such a long message"
 "Sorry for the long response" 長文の返信でごめんなさい。   "I am sorry for the length of this reply" 長文の返信でごめんなさい。  "Sorry for such a long message" こんな長いメッセージでごめんね。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the essay!!

Sorry = apology Essay = article When you say "sorry for the essay" you are saying it in a joking way to apologize for the long message. You can say : Sorry for the essay!! I didn't mean for the message to be so long! I am really sorry about the long message. Forgive me for the long message.
Sorry = 謝罪すること Essay = 文 "sorry for the essay" と言うと、長文を冗談で謝るときの言い方です。 "Sorry for the essay!!" (長文でごめんなさい。) "I didn't mean for the message to be so long!" (長文になるつもりはなかったのです。) "I am really sorry about the long message." (長文になってしまい本当にごめんなさい。) "Forgive me for the long message." (長文を許して下さい。) といえます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the long message.

  • Sorry for the long text.

In this situation there may be a lot of points that you want to get across in that message, you may want to be really informative. It is also a lot of information for the other person to digest so it is good to apologize for the long message.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the long message.

  • Sorry for making it so long.

  • Sorry for making the message so long.

Notice that in these two example sentences we are practically saying the same thing with a few differences. The first and second example show that we can either use the object noun, "message," or replace it with the object pronoun, "it," depending on the context.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for my lack of brevity

  • Sorry for the wordiness of my message

  • I apologise for the detail of my message ( but that information was essential)

Well, it could be that you are a poor writer and do not appreciate how to send a concise and appropriate message? Or, it may be that the information you sent was entirely necessary and the communication was consequently, lengthy. In either case, one of the above exampled apologies should be suitable.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry that this message is so long-winded!

  • I'm sorry for yapping so much in this message.

  • I'm sorry for typing such a long message.

Long -winded: This means that you have been carrying on talking for a while. This phrase carries the image that you are speaking without stopping even for a breath (in this case without taking a break from typing). Yapping : When using this word, it suggests that you are talking without giving the person you are talking to a chance to reply. This is used when you feel bad about talking/ typing so much. The last example will suffice as well and it is pretty much a straight-forward way of saying that you are sorry for the message.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for making it so long.

  • Sorry for the long message.

That message that I sent you was pretty long, sorry for the long message, I will try and keep it short next time. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the long text.

  • Apologies for the long reply.

When you have type a message to someone but it was a very long message and you feel that you will inconvenience that person by taking up so much time for them to read it, you can politely say sorry using any of the above two sentences.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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