It's not like I really want to do it, but I'm not adverse to it either.
ーIt's not like I really want to do it, but I'm not adverse to it either.
adverse で「逆らう・反対の」
Sometimes I put vegetables in the freezer, but I prefer to leave them out.
to put ... in the freezer で「…を冷凍庫に入れる」
to leave ... out で「…を出しておく」
I don't really want to do it, but I'm not against it.
「やりたい」=「(I) want to」
「訳ではない」=「it's not the case that」
「やってもいいかな」=「it's okay even if」
直訳すれば、「It's not the case that I really want to do it, but it's okay even if I don't.」になります。もちろん文法的に間違っていませんが、ちょっと不自然です。
なので、「I don't really want to do it, but I'm not against it.」を使いましょう。「it」は代名詞として、何をするかを指します。
There are times when I freeze the vegetables, but if possible, I don't really want to freeze them. I don't really want to do it, but I'm not against it.