世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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ayaka kaiさん
2016/08/29 17:14
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  • Did you take something (of mine)?

  • Did you take my ○○?

こんにちは。 Did you take something (of mine)? 私のもの何かとった? Did you take my ○○? 私の○○とった? 上記のような言い方ができます。 Did you take something (of mine)? に関しては、of mine がなくても「なんかとった?」なので、もちろん文脈にもよりますが、「自分のものを」というニュアンスを含むこともできます。of mine を加えると「なにかとった?私のもの」のようにちょっと強調している感じになるかと思います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Do you have my ---?

  • Do you have my --- with you by any chance?

私の物取った?は以下のように英訳できます。 1)Do you have my ---? =私のーー持ってる? 取った?を言い換えると、「持ってる?」になりますよね。 ですから、Haveを使っても大丈夫です。 2)Do you have my --- with you by any chance? =ひょっとしたら、私のーー持ってる? By any chance = ひょっとして I hope it helps :)
  • Who's taken my iphone? (Blunt)

  • I seem to have mislaid my iphone. Has anybody seen it please? (Tentative, polite)

  • I wonder where my iphone has gone? (Indirect question)

1. Is simply accusing someone of taking the iphone. 2. This is very polite and the speaker seems a little unsure if it has actually been taken, or perhaps it is just mislaid in an obscure place. 3. This is said as if speaking to oneself. It is an indirect query to anyone who may be listening.
1.誰がiPhoneを持っていったのかとシンプルに追及する言い方です。。 2.非常に礼儀正しく、実際に誰かが取って行ったのかさえわからない、もしかするとどこかに置き忘れたのかもしれませんので尋ねる言い方です。 3.これは独り言のように話すときに使います。聞いている人には間接的な質問といえますす。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you perhaps have something of mine?

  • Have you taken my (object)?

  • Did you take my (object)?

A: Do you perhaps have my phone? B: No, you left it at home. A: Have you taken my earphones? B: Yes, I will return it to you later. A: Did you take my pen? B: Yes, but I cannot return it A: Why not? B: I lost it.
A: Do you perhaps have my phone?(もしかして私の電話を持っていない?) B: No, you left it at home.(持ってないよ。家に置いてきたでしょ) A: Have you taken my earphones?(私のイヤホン取った?) B: Yes, I will return it to you later.(うん、後で返すよ) A: Did you take my pen?(私のペンを取った?) B: Yes, but I cannot return it(うん、でも返せない) A: Why not?(どうして?) B: I lost it.(失くしたから)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Did you take my XYZ by chance?

  • I can't find my XYZ, did you take it?

1. Did you take my XYZ by chance? This sentence is really asking if there is a possibility that they took your item. Whenever we add the phrase "by chance" at the end of a question you are asking if there is a possibilty that this happened. Some other examples :- Did you go to town today by chance? Did you have dinner already by chance? 2. I can't find my XYZ, did you take it? It's natural to assume that someone took something of our if we cannot find it, but it is best to ask a question first before we accuse anyone.
1. Did you take my XYZ by chance?(もしかして私の~をとった?) これは、相手(you)があなた(I/my)の物を取った可能性があるか尋ねています。質問の最後に"by chance"を付けると、可能性を尋ねる言い方になります。 例: Did you go to town today by chance?(もしかして今日町に行った?) Did you have dinner already by chance?(もしかしてもう夕食を食べた?) 2. I can't find my XYZ, did you take it?(~が見つからないんだけど、取った?) 何かが見つからないときに誰かに取られたと思うのは自然なことです。ただ、人を責める前に、まずは聞いてみた方がいいでしょう。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Did you take my .........?

  • Did you happen to lift my.............. by mistake?

  • You don't have my ........... by any chance?

If you believe someone has something of yours then it is nice to ask nicely otherwise they might think you are accusing them of stealing from you you can simply say 'did you take my .........?' although this might come across rude If you add 'by mistake' or 'by any chance' these suggest it was an accident and you are not offended and it won't offend them
誰かに自分の物を取られたと思うなら、丁寧に尋ねましょう。でないと、相手は盗んだと言われていると感じるかもしれません。 シンプルに、'did you take my ....?'(私の....取りました)と言えますが、これは失礼ととられるかもしれません。 'by mistake'(誤って)または'by any chance'(ひょっとして)を加えると、「間違って」というニュアンスになって、こちらが怒っていないことも伝わり、相手を不快にすることもありません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did you take my bag by any chance?

This is a polite way to ask without sounding like you are accusing someone of doing something.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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