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2015/12/02 11:08
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  • It's troublesome to walk the dog on snowy and rainy days

「億劫」は英語で「troublesome」になります。また「雪の日」「雨の日」がそれぞれ「snowy day」「rainy day」になります。
  • I hate having to walk my dog in the rain/snow

  • It's a drag walking my dog when it rains/snows

I hate having to walk my dog in the rain/snow =雨・雪の中犬を散歩しなければならないのが嫌だ having toが「しなくてはならない」と言う意味です。 It's a drag walking my dog when it rains/snows = 雨・雪が降っている時に犬の散歩は面倒だ It's a dragは「面倒だ」のカジュアルな言い方です。Dragの直訳は「引きづる」なので重くて億劫なものをイメージしましょう。 What a drag! = うわー、それ面倒だね! と言うように使います。 As much as I love my dog, it's a drag walking him in the rain. 冒頭に「わんちゃんは大好きなんだけど」と付け加えるとわんちゃんではなく天候のせいで、と言う気持ちが伝わります。
  • It is daunting to walk my dog on rainy or snowy days.

Please note the correct adjective is "snowy" not "snowing" as a descriptive for the days. If a task is daunting it means it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do. For example: "We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.'
正しい形容詞は"snowy" で "snowing"ではありません。 a task is daunting とは、これは大変難しい、または危険のため心配しているという意味になります。 例 "We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.' この散らかりを掃除するという大変な役を押し付けられてしまった。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • If it rains or snows, don't ask me to walk the dog!

  • If it snows or rains, the dog can take itself for a walk!

Yes, much better to stay inside and put your feet up - maybe watch some sport and TV with a nice glass of wine! Maybe some other family member is a little more enthusiastic about getting some fresh air? Children are the ones who usually ask their parents to get a dog in the first place. They should appreciate their responsibilities and take the family pet out, no matter what the weather!
はい、中にいて羽を伸ばしていた方がよっぽどいいですよね - ワイングラスと一緒にスポーツやテレビでも見てみましょう! たぶん、家族は新鮮な空気でも吸いたいのかもしれませんが? 子供は通常、最初に犬を飼うよう両親にお願いしますよね。彼らはそれに感謝し、天候に関係なく散歩に連れ出すべきですよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Snow and Rain are not good for walking a dog.

  • I do not want to walk my dog in the snow or rain.

  • If it snows or rains I wont walk my dog.

"Snow and Rain are not good for walking a dog." This explains that snowy or rainy weather is not good for walking a dog. "I do not want to walk my dog in the snow or rain." This explains that you do not want to walk your dog when it is snowing or raining. "If it snows or rains I won't walk my dog." This is another way of explaining that if it rains or is snowing you will not take your dog for a walk.
"Snow and rain are not good for a walk." (雨と雪は散歩に不向きです。) これは、雨や雪の天気が犬を散歩するのに良くないことを説明しています。 "I don't want to walk my dog in the snow or rain." (雨や雪の中で犬を散歩したくありません。) これは、雨や雪が降っているとき、犬を散歩させたくないことを説明しています。 "I it snows or rains, I won't walk my dog." (もし雨や雪なら、私は犬を散歩しません。) これは雨や雪が降っていたら犬を散歩っせないことを表している別の方法とです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I hate walking my dog in bad weather.

  • I don't like to walk my dog when it snows or rains.

"I hate walking my dog in bad weather." shows your displeasure or having to walk your dog in rainy and snowy weather.
"I hate walking my dog in bad weather." (天気が悪い時に犬を散歩させるのは好きではありません)は、雨や雪の時に犬を散歩させなければいけないことへの不満を表しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like to walk my dog when it's raining/snowing.

  • I don't want to walk my dog in the rain/snow

When you want to explain that you don't like walking your dog in the rain or snow, then you can say: -I don't like walking my dog in the rain/snow -I don't like to walk my dog when it's raining/snowing -I don't want to walk my do in the rain or snow.
雨の日や雪の日に犬の散歩をするのが好きではないことを言うには、以下のように表現することができます。  -I don't like walking my dog in the rain/snow 雨/雪の中、犬の散歩をするのが好きではない。 -I don't like to walk my dog when it's raining/snowing 雨/雪が降っているときに、犬の散歩をするのが好きではない。 -I don't want to walk my do in the rain or snow. 雨/雪の中、犬の散歩をしたくない。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to walk my dog on rainy or snowy days

  • I don't like walking my dog on rainy or snowy days.

  • I hate walking my dog on rainy or snowy days.

There are three possible verbs we can use here to describe that we, "don't like," walking our dog on days with bad weather. We can say that we, "don't want," to do something or that we, "hate," doing something because of the bad weather.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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