世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




車で出かけた時に褒めてあげたい。縦列駐車やバックでの駐車の時も 「うまい!」と言ってあげたい。
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2015/12/02 11:18
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  • You're very good at driving.

  • You're a very good driver.

You're very good at driving. あなたは運転がすごくうまいね You're a very good driver. あなたはすごい運転手だ 運転中、運転手のドライビングテクニックを見て「うまい!」と言いたい時は Wow! You're very good at driving! Wow! You're a very good driver! と言うといいと思います。 *Wow! 驚いた・感心したときにいう言葉
  • ① You're good at.....

「運転上手いね」よりも、ある動作が上手いねと言った方がいいと思います。 一応、「運転上手いね」は「You're good at driving」になりますが、ロンドンではよくある縦列駐車とかならそれを褒める方がありがたく思われると思います。 例えば: 縦列駐車:「① You're good at.....parallel parking」 バックのパーキング:「① You're good reverse」 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • You make driving look so easy.

  • You make parking look so easy.

This expression, "You make ___ look so easy", implies that the individual is very good at what they are doing. It's often used for something that normally other's would find diffiult or would need to practice to get better at. In the blank spot (___) you put in a verb in the -ing form. Eg. "You make parallel parking look so easy." "You make cooking look so easy." "You make playing the guitar look so easy."
この表現”You make ___ look so easy(あなたは___をとても簡単そうにするね)” とは、個人が何かをとてもうまくやっている事を意味しています。 通常、他の人が難しいと感じる、またはより上手になるために練習する 必要のある場合に使われます。 空白の部分(___)には、-ing形式の動詞を入れます。 例えば。 "You make parallel parking look so easy." (あなたは縦列駐車をいとも簡単そうにやりますね。) "You make cooking look so easy." (あなたは料理をいとも簡単そうに作りますね) "You make playing the guitar look so easy." (あなたはギターいとも簡単そうに演奏しますね。)
  • You're a great driver!

  • I feel really safe when you're driving.

It depends rather on what aspect of the driving is 'good'. If your friend is safe then, 'I feel really safe when you're driving.' would be a natural way to make a compliment. If your friend is just generally an adept driver then, 'You're a great driver!' may be more appropriate.
運転技術のどの部分が'good'なのかによりますね。例えば安全運手なら 'I feel really safe when you're driving.' というほうが誉め言葉として自然ですし、単純に巧みなドライバーであれば、You're a great driver!'というのがふさわしいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You drive like a pro!

You drive like a pro! 「プロみたいに運転するね。」 Driveの部分を他の動詞に変えて、いろんな褒め言葉を作ってみてください。 You sing like a pro. プロみたいに上手に歌うね。 You dance like a pro. プロみたいに上手に踊るね。 You write like a pro. プロの作家みたい。 運転が上手だなと思った時はこう呼びかけてもいいと思います。 "Wow!" すごーい! "Well done!" 上手 "Very precise!" とても正確 "Bravo!" ブラボー
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Good driver

  • Exceptional driving skills

When someone is really good at driving and parking, it is always nice to let them know, that they are doing a nice job. "You are a really good driver." "Your driving is excellent." "You are displaying exceptional driving skills."
運転や駐車がすばらしい人には、「うまいですね」と言ってあげたいですね。 "You are a really good driver." "Your driving is excellent." "You are displaying exceptional driving skills."
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Driving comes naturally to you.

  • You are a skilled driver.

You cna use any of these sentences to express that you are think that your friend is a good driver. 1.You are a skilled driver. If someone is skilled at doing something it means they are very good at it. 2. Driving comes naturally to you. Whenever we say that something comes naturally to someone else it menas thatthey are very good at that thing. Other examples:- " Cooking comes naturally to you" - means that the person is very good at cooking. "Swimming comes naturally to you" - means that the person is very good at swimming.
どちらも、友達の運転を上手だと褒めるときに使えます。 1.You are a skilled driver.(運転が上手ですね) "skilled" は「〔あることが〕すごく上手な」という意味です。 2. Driving comes naturally to you.(運転に向いているのですね) "something comes naturally to someone" は「〔あることが〕上手である」という意味です。 他の例: "Cooking comes naturally to you" - 料理がすごく上手だという意味です。 "Swimming comes naturally to you" - 水泳がすごく上手だという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • You drive really well

  • nice driving/parking

There is not too many ways to express this since we don't usually compliment eachother's driving skills in America. You can simply point out to them like " Hey, you drive really well" and then they will probably be curious as to why you said that. Example: Karen: Wow James, you drive really well! James: Haha, what makes you say that? Karen: Well, the way you park and drive. You do it so smoothly, unlike me. James: Thanks! but it's not as hard as it looks.
アメリカでは運転をお互いに褒めることがあまりないので、 表現方法はそんなにたくさんありません。 シンプルに、"Hey, you drive really well!"(運転がとても上手ですね)と伝える事が出来ます。 そしたら言われた人たちはなぜそんな事をあなたが行ったのか思うかもしれません。 例文: Karen: Wow James, you drive really well! (わあ、ジェームス、あなたは運転がとても上手ね!) James: Haha, what makes you say that? (はは、なんでそう言うの?) Karen: Well, the way you park and drive. You do it so smoothly, unlike me. (うーん、あなたの駐車や運転の仕方が。私と違ってとてもスムーズだね。) James: Thanks! but it's not as hard as it looks. (ありがとう!でも見た目よりも簡単だよ。)
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • I really admire your driving skills

  • I wish more people would drive like you

  • It is a real pleasure driving with somebody that really knows what they're doing

You really inspire me with the way you drive. I feel safe and comfortable being a passenger in your car. You are a responsible and sensible driver looking out for your own safety and the safety of other road users.
You really inspire me with the way you drive. I feel safe and comfortable being a passenger in your car. You are a responsible and sensible driver looking out for your own safety and the safety of other road users. あなたの運転はすばらしいわ。あなたの車に乗っていると、安全で心地いいです。自分とみんなの安全を考えるすごく責任感のある運転手ですね。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • A)You're a really brilliant driver!

  • B) You are one of the best drivers i know.

Hello :-) I hope this helps! A)You're a really brilliant driver! Definitions *You're - You are *Brilliant - really good B) You're one of the best drivers i know.
こんにちは、参考になるといいです! A)You're a really brilliant driver! Definitions *You're - "You are" の短縮形 *Brilliant - really good (本当に上手な) B) You're one of the best drivers I know.
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • You're a really good driver.

  • You're driving is impeccable..

  • You drive well.

You're (contraction) - should only be used in casual/informal settings. ___________________________________________________________________________ The difference between drive, driver and driving: Driver (noun) - this is someone who operates or drives a vehicle. Driving/Drive (verb) - this is the action of operating a vehicle. The action a driver does. _________________________________________________________________________ Difference between good and well: Good describes job, which is a noun. Good is an adjective. In this instance good describes the driver (noun) Well is an adverb describing how the job was performed. In this instance 'well' describes the driving (job).
You're (You areの短縮形) - はカジュアルな場面で使います。 ___________________________________________________________________________ drive, driver driving:の違い Driver (名刺) -車を 運転する人 Driving/Drive (動詞) - 車を運転するという行為 _________________________________________________________________________ good とwellの違い Good仕事、作業などの名詞を修飾する形容詞。 d ここでは、運転手を修飾。 Well は副詞でどのようにその仕事がされたかを説明。ここでは運転そのもの。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You're good at driving.

既に他のアンカーの方が回答して、 You're good at driving. と言います(*^_^*) be good at ~ingで「~するのが上手だ」という慣用表現です(*^_^*) 例) He is good at drawing pictures. 「彼は絵を描くのが上手い」 I am good at making friends. 「私は友達を作るのが得意だ」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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