This listed is sorted by X in descending/ascending order.
「このリストは料金の高い順に並んでいます」は英語で「This list is sorted by price in descending order.」と言います。「ascending」と「descending」は「低い順」と「高い順」の意味です。何かのリストがある時、並び順をつけることは「to sort」と言います。
This list is sorted by height in ascending order.
It lists the items according to their price, from the most expensive to the least expensive.
This list is ordered in terms of their price, starting from the most expensive one.
① "It lists the items according to their price,"=「これは価格の順により列挙されている。」
"from the most expensive to the least expensive."=「最も高いものから最も低いものへ。」
② "This list is ordered in terms of their price,"=「このリストは価格により順位づけられている。」
"starting from the most expensive one."=「最も高いものから始まって。」